Afin de servir de base de travail et de réflexion pour tous les internautes qui le souhaitent, la BRP propose le téléchargement de l'ensemble des rapports disponibles, directement sur son site ou sur le site de partenaires. A U.S. government designation associated with a campus or installation owned or leased by the federal government. This count does not include newborn bassinets, labor room, post anesthesia, or postoperative recovery room beds, psychiatric holding beds, and beds that are used only as holding facilities for patients prior to their transfer to another hospital/inpatient facility.

If your property is in the design phase, use your best estimate for the intended conditions when the property is fully operational. If you have people working on all floors/areas of your building then you are 100% occupied. The Sustainable Buildings Checklist evaluates sustainability in existing buildings. Full list of what triggers an update.

The following options are available:
  • No specific resident population: The property is not inhabited by any dedicated population.
  • Dedicated Student: Privately owned, off-campus housing -- not affiliated with a college or university -- that is primarily occupied by undergraduate or graduate students.
  • Dedicated Military: Off-base housing primarily occupied by persons serving in or employed by the military.
  • Dedicated Senior/Independent Living: Housing that is restricted to the elderly that also provides limited programs of assistance with domestic activities (meals, housekeeping, activities, transportation, etc.). If you sell the RECs through REC arbitrage, then you will see the benefit in your "Green Power-Offsite. Each event should be counted only once. Waste Material Type refers to one of 29 different types of materials (bottles, trash, batteries, food scraps, etc) that can be tracked individually.

    If you have restaurants, retail, or services (dry cleaners) within the Office, you should most likely include this square footage and energy in the Office Property Use. Test properties can be used to try out new features in Portfolio Manager without touching your real data, or to train others on how to use Portfolio Manager. Merchandise may include food, clothing, office supplies, furniture, electronics, books, sporting goods, toys, and hardware.

    Gross Floor Area should include all space within the building(s), including the sales floor, offices, storage areas, kitchens, staff break rooms, elevators, and stairwells. The History Log is a record of all “updates” you have made to your Property Use Details (ex. For example, if you have a 10-story building, that on average has 9 of its 10 floors fully leased and occupied, the occupancy would be 90%. Standard metric units include square meters for area, joules for energy, kilograms and Metric Tons for emissions, and cubic meters for volumes. Profile Published is a yes/no designation indicating whether a profile for the ENERGY STAR Registry of Certified Buildings has been published for your property. You can change it on the Goals tab. This value is time weighted.
, Property IDs are unique identifiers for your property that can be used by EPA, you, or other organizations to track and manage your property. ), and meter associations; essentially any changes you make from the Energy tab to any of these meters: propane, fuel oil, diesel, District Steam, District Hot Water, District Chilled Water, Coal, Coke, Wood, Kerosene, "Other" Energy Meters, any Data Center/IT meters, and any Flow Meters. If you want someone to be able to "Share Forward" but have Read Only Access to your meters and other information, you can make this selection under Custom Access. For more information, see this Technical Reference document..
  • If your property doesn’t have a single property type that is 51% or more - your National Median for comparison is the “Mixed Use” property type from CBECS.
  • . This is intended to reflect commercial processing of laundry associated with property operations, not individual pay-per-use machines that may be operated by guests/visitors. It does not normalize for weather or by property use details. See this FAQ for more information. Metered Areas is a designation of what areas within your building are covered by your energy and water meters. Bien entendu, d’autres types de programmes ont des atouts pour attirer les français devant leur écran la semaine ou le week-end. If your property is a mix of multifamily and single-family homes, the property would still be eligible as long as the single-family homes are less than 25% of the total GFA. If you have multiple electric meters tracking demand, only one meter’s monthly value will be equal to the Annual Maximum Demand. Weekday Operation is a count of the number of weekdays (Monday through Friday) that a Worship Facility is open. This is the height in which goods, products, or materials can be vertically stacked. It represents the middle of the national population.
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