Icon sets cover a wide array of different subject matter, yet are rendered in a single visual style. It uses the same style, so some of the icons are almost identical. You are redirected to the web app. Creating a set with IcoMoon Visit IcoMoon.io and click IcoMoon App at the top right. Icon set must be your own original work, it must have open source license and it must be published on GitHub or NPM. この記事では、ウェブサイトのUIデザインに便利な、無料の人気SVGアイコンライブラリをまとめて紹介しています。, 豊富な収録数に加え、サイズや配色などのカスタマイズ性、モダンデザイン対応のヴィジュアル性もアピールできる、使い勝手の良いシンプルなアイコン素材が揃います。, MITライセンスで、商用利用も可能なオープンソースの素材が中心で、クライアント案件でも安心して利用できます。また、サポートしているファイル形式も豊富で、あらゆるデザインアプリで利用できる点もポイントです。, CSSのみで描いたアイコンやSVGスプライトで利用可能なSVG & Figma UIアイコン、統一感のあるコンポーネント700以上が揃った、完全オープンソースのアイコンライブラリ。詳しい使い方はGithubレポジトリよりどうぞ。, Tailwind CSSのクリエイターによって作成された、オープンソースアイコンライブラリ。ウェブサイトで必要な224個のアイコンは、塗りつぶしとアウトラインスタイルによる提供。アイコンをクリックするだけで、SVGコードをコピーできお手軽です。, スッキリとしてわかりやすいアウトラインアイコンが揃ったSVGライブラリ。スクリプトファイルを読み込めば、name属性を変更するだけでアイコンを追加、変更できます。, 282個のSVGアイコンが収録されたライブラリ。ダウンロードする前にアイコンのサイズやストローク幅、色の設定も可能。マークアップ記述が楽にある仕様。, どんな案件にもフィットするUX/UIデザイナーが必要なアイコン素材566個を揃えた素材。Webサイトへの利用も簡単なSVGアイコン同時収録。, 人気フレームワークBootstrap公式のアイコンライブラリがついに登場です。1,100種類以上のSVGアイコンが揃い、サイズや配色などのカスタマイズをCSSから手軽に行うことができます。, 300+種類のSVGアイコンをまとめた無料ライブラリ。ショッピングサイトや旅行サイト、ソーシャルメディア、アプリデザインなどにも最適なあらゆる素材が揃います。, カスタマイズ性を重視したSVGアイコンセット。必要なアイコンのみを選択すれば、実際にHTMLで利用したデモファイルと一緒にダウンロード可能。, バージョンアップを重ね、現在681個のSVGアイコンが揃った、MITライセンスで完全無料のライブラリ。ウェブ上でサイズや配色、ストロークも変更でき、そのままダウンロード可能なシンプルで、使い勝手の良いスタイルも素敵。, 480個を超えるオープンソースのアイコン素材を、SVGまたはPNGファイル形式で無料ダウンロードでき、ウェブサイトはもちろん、iOSやAndroidにも対応したデザイン。じつはホバー用のCSSアニメーションを選択できる細かさも。, 2,000個以上の美しいSVGアイコンを揃えたオープンソースの巨大ライブラリ。ビジネス、金融、地図などさまざまなカテゴリあり。SVGまたはPNGファイルでダウンロード、またはアイコンをクリックでソースコードを直接コピーできます。, およそ1,400ものブランドロゴとブランドカラーを揃えた、無料SVGアイコンライブラリ。, 24pxのミニサイズSVGアイコン1,100種類以上が無料で提供されているコレクション。27のカテゴリを網羅しており、SVGアイコンおよびWebフォントとしても利用可能。, お好みのグラデーションカラーを選択でき、合計476個という大量のSVGアイコンを無料ダンロードできるアイコンコレクション。, マテリアルデザインをベースにしたアイコン1,000種類が揃うライブラリ。PhotoshopやSketch、Adobe XD、Figma、InVisionそしてSVGファイルもひとまとめに揃います。ラインセスApache License Version 2.0による、個人および商用にも無料利用可能。, システム設計やプロダクトのUIデザインを想定した、シンプルで統一感のあるSVGアイコン220個セット。, 15×15ピクセルの極小ミニサイズで設計された、SVGミニアイコン1,000個以上が揃ったコンプリート・コレクション。はっきり鮮明な見た目が特長で、商用案件にもばっちり対応できます。, アイコンに目を引くアニメーションを加えた新しいライブラリで、500個以上を無料ダウンロードできます。UIやWebはもちろん、ソーシャルやジェスチャー、天気、食べもの、スポーツなど幅広いカテゴリに対応。, UIデザインで見かけるアニメーション付SVGアイコン集。アイコンの色やストロークの太さ、サイズなども自由にカスタマイズできます。, ダウンロードしたSVGファイルの使い方、カスタマイズについては、以下の動画が分かりやすいでしょう。, 魅力的だけど控えめなアニメーションも実装したSVGアイコン素材100+個を揃え、あらゆるアプリやプラットフォームに対応できる柔軟さもポイント。無料版は5個のアイコンをダウンロードできます。, 色付きのかわいいイラストアイコン300個を揃えたライブラリ。Illustrtaorで編集できる他、SVGとPNGファイル形式で無料ダウンロード可能。, ウェブサイト制作に最低限必要な、120種類のUIアイコンが揃った素材で、丸みのある柔らかい雰囲気が印象的。PhotoshopやIllustrator、Adobe XD、Sketch、Figma、SVGと豊富なファイル形式でダウンロード可能。, 一般的なサイズ24pxでバランス良くデザインされたアウトライン型アイコンライブラリ。随時アップデートが行われており、現在350個。Illustrator用Aiファイル、SVG、Figmaファイル形式を選択可能。, どんなWebプロジェクトにも対応できる、アウトライン型ピクセルアイコン300個セット。Figmaファイルで配布中。, 266 FREE Responsive Icons in 3 Sizes (16/20/24px), ユーザーインターフェースとワイヤーフレームでの利用に特化した、シンプルでわかりやすいSVGアイコン。3サイズ (16/20/24px)でそれぞれ作成された、FigmaとSketch向けアイテム。, UX、UIデザインを想定したFigmaアイコンライブラリ。カスタマイズしやすく、ミニマルなデザインを得意としたシンプルアイコン200個セット。, Webサイトやスマホアプリ制作で使いそうな、204個のUIデザイン向けアイコンが、SVGとCSSファイル形式でダウンロードできるライブラリ。画面右にあるオプションより、配色やサイズ、SVGまたはCSSファイル形式の選択などを行うことができます。, アイコンをSVGコンポーネントに変換するプロセスをシンプル化できるユニークなツール。基本となるインターフェース用アイコンが揃い、自由に好みに合わせてカスタマイズ、あとは最後に表示されたSVGコードを貼り付けるだけ。, お好みのグラデーションカラーを選択でき、合計476個という大量のSVGアイコンを無料ダンロードできるGradientify Iconsが公開されていたので、今回はご, 最近のウェブサイト制作では、アニメーションがますます重要になってきています。 This icon pack was designed on a 20×20 grid with a lot of care, resulting in crisp and pixel perfect icons. If you use inline SVG (i.e., directly in your HTML5 code), then the element does double duty, defining the image area within the web page as well as within the SVG. Jeder hat … Free SVG mono-coloured icons for popular projects & brands. You'll quickly see just how approachable it is. Linearicons is the highest quality set of line icons, matching with minimalist UI designs in iOS. I need to place icons within the inputs for creating a new user. All of the icons can be stored in a single file, so it is only one server request. even SVG file size is low compared to PNG. This sponsored post features a product relevant to our readers while meeting our editorial guidelines for being objective and educational. Bootstrap Icons Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 1,300 icons. Styling wasn't a possibility with static images (unless you output files for each specific aesthetic). Adding an icon from an SVG sprite is a little different than what you're used to, but it's still not a problem. Looking for something to help kick start your next project? LEARN MORE. All you have to do is copy & paste the HTML code. The goal of the project is to recreate the entire set in a full range of sizes while also adding many icons that we think the original set is missing. 13. この記事は、Lottieの使い方をまとめた基本ガイドです。Lottieの. Select Icon Set. To use , we need to import MatIconModule in our application module. P.J. Once an SVG icon is properly set up to be styled, the rest is downhill! Greeky Mythology Icon Set created by freepik taken from flaticon.com Once we downloaded our SVG icon set, it’s time to fork the svg-icon-library-starter project on GitHub and follow its “Getting started” instructions in the . React SVG Icons. Any height or width you set for the SVG with CSS will override the height and width attributes on the . 2年ぐらい前の情報なのですが、Microsoftのクラウドサービス「Microsoft Azure」などのアイコンセット「Cloud and Enterprise Symbol/Icon set」が無償提供されていたので、自分のメモ用も兼ねて下記に明記します。 アイコンはPNG形式やSVG形式のアイコン画像以外にVisio用のステンシルも同封されてい … The icons need to be designed and built with theming in mind for the styles to be consistent across the set. All the assets made by designers → consistent quality ⚡️ Which icon format should I use for Website and Mobile application? Lead discussions. Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. To achieve this, the icon font generator takes the grid size of each icon into account, and uses a proper alignment. Don't forget to load the basic CSS file. The goal of Iconic is to help provide new approaches to iconography. Host meetups. Using IcoMoon you can easily search and download vector icons or generate fonts (icon fonts). Our goal with Iconic is to help make this process clear and repeatable so that other icon designers can make their icons style-able. I wanted to use the icons as SVG icons, so I took the time and converted the icon set to an SVG icon set. Svg Icon Packages Features. Two clicks of the mouse and you have an icon ready to be placed on to your site. Free Online Icon Maker. Both free and premium versions As well as the 500 PNG icons, you will also find the SVG source files so that you can edit each icon to meet your specific needs. These free images are pixel perfect to fit your design and available in both PNG and vector. Angular provides element to use vector based icon in our application. Icon set must be your own original work, it must have open source license and it … blogs at somerandomdude.com and you can follow him on Twitter at @somerandomdude. This goes well beyond just adding classes to each element in your SVG icon (but that doesn't hurt). Download See the icons. We've put together a demo to show icon theming in action. Linearicons is the highest quality set of line icons, matching with minimalist UI designs in iOS. Which can look like this: An unstyled SVG icon. Run Application To run the application, find the steps. All Of These Icon … Commercial License Included. Share ideas. Choose the icons to add to your icon set. Don't have them? Free basic usage must attribute the creator of the icon per license requirements. I put this in the CSS, but my image is always black, no matter what. Safe for commercial use. 商用可能!日本観光がテーマの無料ピクトグラム280個セットExperience Japan Pictogram, 【総まとめ】2020年公開のすごいIllustratorチュートリアル、作り方厳選まとめ, 【総まとめ】2020年公開のすごいPhotoshopチュートリアル、作り方厳選まとめ, 役立つデザインテクを学ぶ最新Illustratorチュートリアル、つくり方30個まとめ, 【2020年版】もう配色デザインには迷わない!すごい無料カラーパレットツール66個まとめ, 商用可!手書きでナチュラルな無料フォント132個まとめ 2020年完全版(和 / 英文対応), グラデーション選び放題!ウェブ用SVGアイコン基本セット476個を無料ダウンロード Gradientify Icons, WebアニメーションはLottieがオススメ!基本の使い方完全ガイド【2020年版】, 商用可でPS&AI対応!フラットスタイルの無料アイコン素材60個セットFlat Icon Set, 【2018年版】アイコンデザインの押さえておきたい流行トレンド8個と新作フリーアイコンまとめ, 新型コロナウイルス感染予防の無料イラストアイコン、ピクトグラム素材200個(SVG・PNG), これも動く? I really really like Chris Behr's Nice Things icon set on Smashing Magazine. Premium editable vector, PNG, PSD & SVG icon set. Download icons for free. Windows アイコン ダウンロード 324 Windows アイコン 無料 アイコンのすべてのアイコンが必要で、使い勝手はそのままに自分だけのお気に入りにてダウンロードできます。無料! The free icons can be used in Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or Figma designs. To get these files, download the source code from link given below in our page. Freeicon is a free platform for download vector icons in SVG, PNG, EPS, AI and PSD format. This tool can also be used for icon set management. As you can see at the Grumpicon page, “the tool processes a set of SVG files, generates PNG fallback images for legacy browsers, and exports a demo page showing how to use the final icons”. All 50 of the free transport icons are 100% customizable, all colors are editable, and come in both SVG and PNG formats. As you can see, you can do a lot with SVG and CSS, but there are still some limitations. Smart icons have gotten a lot of interest, but styling may be the most useful feature on a day to day basis. 2. Pastel SVG Icons. Showcase. Search in 300.000+ Free SVG Vectors and Icons. Ready to use SVG icons for the web. One of the main issues we've run into is stroke alignment. ... Each icon needs to sit comfortably next to one another. I've tested it with application's menu, tray icon menu and drop-down menu of QToolButton, and results are as follows: icon is visible only in QToolButton's menu. However I don't. Save the icon as unicorn_icon.svg to the src/assets folder of your project. SVG Symbol / Use There is such thing as an SVG sprite , which is a group of SVGs turned into elements such that any given icon can be referenced easily with a element. Everything you need for your next creative project. Normally, styling a set of icons (beyond simply changing the color), was a laborious task which depended on having the source vector files. The Icons 432 (400 Icons, SVG, PNG, AI, EPS & PSD) This icon set contains over 400 icons and comes in four distinct styles: Rounded, Dark Rounded, Rounded Corners and Square. Fortunately, this is fixed in SVG 2.0—strokes can now be center, inner and outer aligned. Not too bad, right? Onori is a design technologist living in San Francisco. This icon pack was designed on a 20×20 grid with a lot of care, resulting in crisp and pixel perfect icons. Transform data into actionable insights with dashboards and reports. I’ll An interesting solution is to use a SVG icon set. Surface devices. Icon styling can go much further than just arbitrary color changes. Now we’re going to make this HTML a bit more verbose, in order to make it easier to style and also more accessible. Download Microsoft Azure Cloud and AI Symbol / Icon Set - SVG - Pointer from Official Microsoft Download Center. Well, you're out of luck. Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. Web Icon-Set enthält über 970 vollständig anpassbare Icons. Using IcoMoon you can easily search and download vector icons or generate fonts (icon fonts). For this, I recommend naming it “heroicons - Outline”. Amazing Icon Downloader ⇗ Not a set of icons, but a browser extension for Chrome and Edge which allows you to … We don't think this is optimal for icon design for various reasons including potential clipping at increased stroke weights and a more complex drawing process to accommodate center-aligned strokes. All of the icons can be stored in a single file, so it is only one server request. Drum Set SVG vector illustration graphic art design format. Let's take the example of styling the WIFI signal icon to display its various states. Unfortunately, it appears that SVG 2.0 is still a way off. One of the main issues we've run into is stroke alignment. The real work comes from designing and constructing an icon to actually be style-able. © 2021 Envato Pty Ltd. Well, SVG … SVG icons as React components Search or Browse the icon sets. Note: The example below is still a proof-of-concept prototype. 1. Download Icon font or SVG Download your collections in the code format compatible with all browsers, and use icons on your website. With over 5000 open source and free icons available in IcoMoon's library , and by allowing you to generate crisp icon fonts and SVG sprites locally/offline, this service is far ahead of any similar one. Font Awesome ⇗ Huge set of over 5,000 icons, free set of over 1,500 which can be downloaded as SVG. Power BI. Free icons +81,000 Free vector icons for personal and commercial use.Download in .PNG, .EPS and .SVG format. あなたは、フォーマット、SVG、ICOとICNSをPNG形式にダウンロードすることができます...私たちは、あなたのWebプロジェクト、アプリ、雑誌、ポスター、広告デザインのための無料のアイコンを見つけるか、あなたはそれを使用したいです。 This means a lightbulb icon can be "lit" with CSS, the contrast icon can be styled to reflect a specific contrast and a stoplight icon can communicate go. A set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your digital products. A set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your digital products. 94,980 Free icon sets, available in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS, format or as ICON FONT. This week we’ve another fantastic free icon set. All strokes in SVG 1.1 are center-aligned, meaning that the stroke will be evenly divided on each side of the path. Anything but ordinary. Just think of the paintbrush or fill icons in various applications that communicate what color you're about to draw or fill. Use Svg Icon set as React Components directly without any 3rd party library. It can generate icon fonts, SVGs, PDFs, PNGs and sprites. Download Free Drum Set icon and graphics for commercial use. There are 100 uniquely designed icons in the free Funkies icon set, and they come in five different styles: flat, full color, gradient, shaded and subtle color. Shop now. Icon sets are automatically updated daily from repositories of icon authors. Please consider backing Iconic on Kickstarter. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Our hope is that Iconic will help drum up more interest in SVG and encourage a more expedited process. Download free mono or multi color vectors for commercial use. Link to download the icons are given with each set Hawcons offers 500+ high quality user interface vector icons in SVG, EPS and PDF formats. SVG styling has an entirely unique set of CSS rules that you'll need to learn, but the concepts are straightforward and require minimal effort to pick up. Use them with or without Bootstrap in any project. In this version, the SVG Icon Builder allows you to import and edit custom veсtor icons. Free SVG vector icons, icon sets and icon packs for commercial use. Discover our vector icon packs. Even better, you could even embed the SVG code directly in your HTML file, so there are no server requests. Das Set besteht aus einzelnen SVG-Dateien, die allesamt im Browser, in Photoshop, Illustrator oder im kostenlosen SVG Path Editor editiert werden können. Arbeitsblatt Layout experimentieren mit Niveaus.svg 512 × 724; 1,022 KB Arbeitsblatt Layout mit Niveaus.svg 512 × 724; 1.54 MB Autumn icon set clipart.svg 512 × 514; 323 KB If you want to use Iconify with commercial or private icon set, you can host it on your own website by making copy of Iconify API. If you've used CSS in the past (which we're assuming you have), there's very little to learn. Collection of best free SVG icon sets and vector icon libraries which can be used in commercial projects. I’ll show a few common patterns first, and then we’ll explain each technical choice. Icon fonts got us closer by allowing simple styling, but it was not granular—meaning if you colored the icon red, the whole icon would be red. © 2009-2020 PhotoshopVIP All Rights Reserved. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure公式の Which can look like this: An unstyled SVG icon Now we’re going to make this HTML a bit more verbose, in order to make it easier to style and also more accessible. That is often times appropriate, if not optimal. Meaning they will not degrade in quality the larger they get. It's like an icon font, without being a hack. Pattern A: a purely decorative icon Install Angular Material using link. None of the following code is final, let alone beta. If you have a large project that needs a lot of icons, We suggest you go with SVG Icons, Because PNG files would increase your overall file size. Install Angular CLI using link. Get access to over one million creative assets on Envato Elements. I wanted to use the icons as SVG icons, so I took the time and converted the icon set to an SVG icon set. Just like Smart Icons, this method depends on SVG to be directly injected in the DOM and that it be semantically structured for styling. It's like an icon font, without being a hack. Using inline SVG allows you to set the fill, which cascades to all the elements within the SVG, or you can fill each element separately if needed. The mechanics of styling icons is quite simple. When your SVG files are ready, you'll need a method to include them in your project. If you use HTML or CSS syntax, Iconify loads icons from Get free User icons in iOS, Material, Windows and other design styles for web, mobile, and graphic design projects. To use our custom unicorn icon with the component tag, we’ll need to import HttpClientModule. However, there are many situations where specific icons can and should have specific styling (be it color, stroke width, or other attributes). Don't forget to load the basic CSS file . Once an SVG icon is properly set up to be styled, the rest is downhill! It can generate icon fonts, SVGs, PDFs, PNGs and sprites. SVG markup provides access and control to all elements contained in it. This Can All be Better With SVG 2.0. Note: It is possible to acquire unicorn SVG icons at The Noun Project. The great thing about this technique is that the technology is already broadly supported—all you need are icons which can take advantage of it. It's optimized using vue-svg-icon-set by leveraging how SVGs can be referenced and reused like variables with the element. Choose an icon. Please note that you must include the SVG titles for the icon set to work correctly in Oxygen - see Step 3 below. For this, I recommend naming it “heroicons - Outline”. !面白アニメーション付き無料アイコン素材200個セット Free Animated Icons from Icons8, CSSアイコンの他に、React向けやFigma、Adobe XDコンポーネントも利用可能, BootstrapオフィシャルSVGアイコンライブラリで、Bootstrapとの互換性あり, スタイルは角丸、アウトライン、ツートンで、それぞれ1,000種類のアイコン収録で合計3,000個, アイコンはLottie用JSONファイル、GIF、After Effectsファイル形式. Whether you’re designing a social application, a music player, a content editor or need a detailed map, Zondicons has every icon you will need. Icon styling has been a little overlooked in Iconic, but we think it's a massively powerful technique. Design like a professional without Photoshop. The mat-icon directive supports both font icons and SVG icons but not bitmap-based formats (png, jpg, etc.). 3. . This tool can also be used for icon set management. The combination of SVG and CSS is magical. Envato Tuts+ tutorials are translated into other languages by our community members—you can be involved too! Part of our focus for Iconic is to expose and address the challenges around icon theming. Think of all the icons you see in an interface which show contextual information. Choose an icon. These icons are a set of web-fonts, and are extremely scale-able. Icon creator Software. Imagery can take on entirely different looks, have bespoke treatments and interesting interactive transitions. In our application, SVG icon codes are in svg.icons.ts file, /assets/search.svg and /assets/video.svg files. Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. It seems that behaviour described above actually depends on where QMenu object is used. HTML. It shows you just how much can be done when CSS rules are applied to an entire icon set. This article is the second in a three-part series showing the new approaches to iconography Iconic will be delivering. That's part of what makes this method so great—it's amazingly powerful using the skills and tools you already know. Priming an icon for styling is still a bit of an art form. All you have to do is copy & paste the HTML code. Collaborate. Ready to use SVG icons for the web. This Can All be Better With SVG 2.0 As you can see, you can do a lot with SVG and CSS, but there are still some limitations. P.J. Download icons in all formats or edit them for your designs. Goal of Iconify is to offer unified icon framework for multiple platforms. For example, let's take a look at the WIFI signal icon. This icon set is mainly consisted of a single SVG file, containing each icon's definition. This icon-set leverages this feature to define referencable SVGs so that repeated usage of an icon isn't duplicated in the DOM. Let's look at the options we have available. Subscribe below and we’ll send you a weekly email summary of all new Web Design tutorials. Once an SVG icon is properly set up to be styled, the rest is downhill! Never miss out on learning about the next big thing. Creating a set with IcoMoon Visit IcoMoon.io and click IcoMoon App at the top right. If you are author of icon set that you would like to be published here, please open an issue at GitHub repository for icon sets. We're pretty sure there's a science to this and we hope to write more about the process in the future. Nice Things SVG Icon Set I really really like Chris Behr's Nice Things icon set on Smashing Magazine. We still have a lot to share with you and look forward to sharing our next instalment. However, when it works, it's pretty awesome to see. We truly believe that it's going to have a huge impact on the way people use and see icons in the future. Modern web icons, app icons, social media icons and more. This is another perfect use-case for SVG & CSS. Communicating state within an icon is often times as simple as using color. vectors. SVG icons can solve this problem. You can upload your own icons by clicking Import Icons in the top bar. Here You'll Find Wide Selection Of Icons In A Variety Of Different Styles, Sizes, Formats And Themes. The ‘WordPress SVG Icon Set’ is extremely easy for any one to use. Currently Iconify is available only as JavaScript library for browsers, React and Angular components. We have a huge range of Icons products available. As you can see, you can do a lot with SVG and CSS, but there are still some limitations. Das große Dr. There are 100 uniquely designed icons in the free Funkies icon set, and they come in five different styles: flat, full color, gradient, shaded and subtle color. @SGaist thank you for your answer, I've made further investigation and now able to provide you with additional information.. Both free and premium versions are easy to use in any platform including iOS and Android. Free Drum Set Vector Icon in PNG format. Set Name: Here we can name the set something that we’ll remember. Even better, you could even embed the SVG code directly in … This approach gives us the opportunity to provide another valuable layer of information. Free selected SVG icons, icon sets and icon packs for web, mobile & print We're still in the R&D phase of this approach and we know there are many issues that still need to be addressed. Hundreds of free icons in SVG, … Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. I say "can" because consistently structuring an entire SVG icon collection is difficult. It's probably a really easy task for someone who knows their way around front end code. Papier Déchiré Png, Julie Badouri Origine, Font Awesome Flag France, Deer Illustration Pinterest, Rose Gold Word, Liste Chaîne Numericable 2020,