Our first project of this kind was a 140,000-square-foot, 14-inch post-tensioned podium slab. 1.8 Slab Design 1.8.1 Design for Flexure 1-31 1-31 1.8.2 Check for Punching Shear 1.8.3 Design Punching Shear Reinforcement 1-33 1-37 . Two common podium design structures include: Multi-Family. Design Example of a Building IITK-GSDMA-EQ26-V3.0 Page 6 provided at 100 mm below ground level. Greater design flexibility A concrete podium slab allows the designer the freedom to use a completely different floor plan between the above and below levels. Structure over Podium Slab Design Example Shearwall design we’ll look at. The base of the beams are formed using the filigree planks, however the prestressed tendons are not utilized in the design strength of the beam. Building Post Tensioned Slab . … I am designing a Post-Tensioned Podium slab (concrete slab with 4-story wood construction ontop). Single Family. Modeling the weight of the wood/metal building by uniform loads, line loads, and point loads for the design of the post-tensioned slab are covered. Your slab design may require more flexural bars or they may already be there to meet other slab design requirements. Moreover, a concrete podium slab has no restrictions to support load-bearing walls from the structure above. Elevated slab design is a feature that is only available in RISAFloor ES (as opposed to RISAFloor). Usually these slabs are situated above parking levels and as such require higher fire ratings and reduced sound transmission. Design of Post‐Tensioning Building Structures March 12, 2020 2020 EduCode Las Vegas ‐PTI 22 3 0 - 4 0 f t Flat Slab w/Drop Panels (Two‐Way) Two‐way Slabs Drop Panel: ‐Extend horizontally from center line column at least 1/6 center line span. In this type of building, a concrete podium slab acts as the structural floor, as well as a transfer slab for the gauge steel frame construction above. EC2 Webinar - Autumn 2016 Lecture 5/2 Designing for shear in slabs • When shear reinforcement is not required –e.g. DESIGN EXAMPLE 5.1 First slab above the podium construction A. Transverse Direction B. Longitudinal Direction 5.2 Typical level A. Transverse direction B. Longitudinal direction 5.3 Roof Level APPENDIX Temperature Analysis and Design Aid REFERENES Daily temperature changes, differences in the ambient temperature between when a building is under construction and when it is in service, … DESIGN EXAMPLE Five-Story Wood-FrameStructure over Podium Slab Developed for WoodWorks by Douglas S. Thompson, pe, Se, SeCB STB Structural Engineers, Inc. Lake Forest, CA . The ground beams are . Often, the slabs are situated above parking levels and help reduce sound transmission and improve fire ratings. Components of Shear Wall Design Typ. A few designs that HDB experimented with from the 1970s to the 1980s were the podium-tower, slab block, and point block design. Podium Slab consists of a 1- to 2-story reinforced or post tension concrete podium that allows several stories of light-frame wood framing above it. KTGY has a long history in this typology and has designed podium buildings from coast-to-coast. Thickness of slab = 250 mm Dimension of column = 450 x 230 mm Reinforcement of slab in the longer direction = H16@150mm (A s,prov = 1340 mm 2) Reinforcement of slab in the shorter direction = H16@175mm (A s,prov = 1149 mm 2) Grade of concrete = C30 Yield strength of reinforcement = 500 Mpa Concrete cover to slab = 25mm It is based on test results using flat bearing plates in which the full bearing surface is situated at the effective embedment depth. The numbering of the members is explained as below. This type of structure has many advantages for the owner, including more head height for the garage under the wood structure and longer spans between columns, lower cost, and, most importantly, a faster overall schedule. Christian Müller Dipl.-Ing. I have Adapt PT that I can use for design, so these questions would be specific to using the equivalent frame method of analysis. Matthias Oppe RWTH Aachen. 1. Design includes control of sensitive deflections in a 45' two-way slab bay with PT beam and was completed in accordance with ACI318. Proper design and construction details followed up with regular in-service inspection can prevent distress Inspection of post-tensioned parking structures shows that expansion joints in parking floors are subject to a number of problems including inadequate sealing, spalled slab bearings and insufficient concrete cover over tendon anchors. Multi-Family Podium Construction Fact Sheet . Mixed-use areas Concrete podium slabs can accommodate designs to create a mixed-use space at ground level such as retail … Unless otherwise noted, all referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from these books. Storey number Storey numbers are given to the portion of the building between two successive grids of beams. Podium, in architecture, any of various elements that form the “foot,” or base, of a structure, such as a raised pedestal or base, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasized lowest portion of a wall. What is podium slab? ‐Project below slab at least 1/4 slab … With our newly launched Strong-Rod Systems webpages, you now go to the Shallow Podium Anchor link to find anchorage solutions. This example presents the anchorage solution in tension for a CIP anchor bolt in cracked concrete under seismic loading conditions in a reinforced concrete podium slab using anchor reinforcement. Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab Residential post-tensioned podium slab with a banded-distributed unbonded tendon layout supporting a 5-story timber structure above. • Flat Slab Design –includes flexure worked example • Exercise -Punching shear. Sometimes the basement story of a building may be treated as a The filigree flat slabs are connected to the in-slab beams by reinforcing dowels, typically #7 bars on the top layer. Podium-tower During the 1970s, mixed-use developments were popular. What about the post designs? I have a few questions for how you apply loads to a PT podium slab from the load bearing walls that sit on the slab. usually one and two-way spanning slabs • Punching shear –e.g. The webinar focuses on the design of post-tensioned structural slabs that support multi levels of conventional wood or metal stud framed buildings. See plan below for reference, which has boxed numbering that corresponds to the question numbering below (where applicable). In multifamily residential structures, a concrete Podium Slab typically acts as both a structural floor and as a transfer slab for wood and light gauge steel framed construction above. Since then, that’s become common. Loads: Framing Dead Load = selfweight Superrimposed Dead Load = 25 psf partitions, M/E, misc. The example presented here is for Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design. While complicated technically, this mid-rise solution (up to 85 feet) provides a cost effective alternative to more expensive concrete and steel buildings. If you need to fix or core drill a PT slab, remember that rebar scans are contextual. The following example illustrates the design methods presented in ACI 318-05 and IBC 2003. Assessment (Bridgetowne East) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 2) Design Philosophy, Equivalent Loads & Concrete Stresses on Determinate Systems. and no slab is provided. Multi-Story Wind Design ShearwallLayout Source: WoodWorks Five-Story Wood-Frame Structure over Podium Slab Design Example. Podium Layout Example (image credit — Phil’s Presentation) One Last Thing… When dealing with anything in design and construction, mistakes can be made but there are always options to fix those issues. Examples PUBLISHED BY VSL INTERNATIONAL LTD. POST-TENSIONED INBUILDINGS Preface The development of reliable prestressing techniques has certainly been the most important innovation in the field of structural concrete. A: You can model the concrete slab as rigid or semi-rigid. Basic Concepts of Pre-stressing: "Prestressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and distribution are introduced so that the stresses resulting from external loads are counteracted to a desired degree. F5 = 5.2k F4 = 3.8k F3 = 3.7k F2 = 3.6k F1 = 3.4k. Single-Family Conceptual design and design examples for multi-storey buildings Dr.-Ing. Post - DTensioned Concrete esign for ACI 318-08 Herein describes in detail the various aspects of the post-tensioned concrete design procedure with the American code ACI 318-08 [ACI 2008]. The upper slab of the concrete podium typically acts as both a fire separation and structural transfer slab for the framing above. Build It Before You Build It. Building design often involves a podium structure that houses other functional spaces such as a shopping mall or a large lift lobby which require an unobstructed spatial layout in order to give a more impressive view. 3) Review of Moment Distribution ; 4) Concrete Stresses in Indeterminate Systems ; 5) Flexural Design ; 6) Shear Design ; 7) Two-Span Beam Design Example ; 8) One-Way Slab Design Examples; 9) Two-Way Slab Design Examples ; 10) Two-Way Podium Slab Design Example Podium slabs are unique type of floor system that transfers loads from a steel or wood frame structure above the slab to concrete walls and columns below. This feature allows you to model a concrete floor system that is self supporting, as opposed to a Beam Supported Floor, where the floor is a deck that is supported by beams. 1.2.1. For the example building, the storey numbers are defined as follows: … As such, the podium also serves as a transfer slab to pick up conventional bearing walls above and distribute them to the supporting beams below. The code-prescribed fire resistance rating is typically 2-hours or 3-hours. in-slab beams that run 32’-0” x 16’-0” bays, typically. Various notations used in this chapter are listed in Table 1-1. What Solutions Are Now Being Offered and How Do I Get Them? Examples of the practical application of multi-story shear wall design can be found in the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) Structural/Seismic Design Manual – Volume 2 and Woodworks Five-story Wood-frame Structure over Podium Slab. Shear Wall Elevation 29’-0” Wind Forces Per Story 10’-0” Typ. Elevated Floor Slab floors are unique in that they do not require any beams. When designing a typical non-podium slab, i typically design the PT system to balance about 50 - 80% of the dead load of the slab's self weight. Podium buildings are generally wood construction sitting atop concrete parking or mixed-use. These examples follow what is sometimes called the traditional multi-story shear wall method, as it is a straightforward extension of … Wood-Framed Building over Podium Slab in RISA | 9/30/15 Q: Why is the concrete slab modelled as semi-rigid? Look to ASCE 7 and IBC for when a slab may be assumed as fully rigid versus semi-rigid.- _____ Q: How are point loads from the ends of the ends of the beams beign taken down?
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