En cette année 1568, tandis que l’Inquisition continue à soumettre de son talon de fer la vie politique, religieuse et culturelle des royaumes espagnols, dans les montagnes et les vallées des Alpujarras, au sud de la Péninsule, l’heure de la révolte a sonné. Au XVIe siècle, l’Espagne a été unifiée par les Rois Catholiques ; les Maures musulmans, dans les régions de Grenade et Cordoue, ont été convertis de force, mais en secret continuent à prier Allah. Téléchargez la version électronique de Les révoltés de Cordoue sur odpsemetenscene.fr. I was just so blown away by his cathedral of the sea that I expected a marvellous work again. I really enjoyed the first 573 pages of the book (Parts one and two), in which I came to know and care about a variety of characters and became invested in the struggles of Hernando and Fatima to be together. cordoue   The historical content is incredibly well researched and impressive considering the amount of content intertwined within the base plot of the story. At nearly 900 pages, reading this requires a considerable time commitment! An epic tale, which at times felt a little dragged out, but on the whole I enjoyed the story as much as his previous book (Cathedral of the sea). 4.5. La mezquita de Cordoue... Un endroit qui m'a profond�ment touch�e quand je l'ai visit�, bien plus notamment que l'Alhambra de Grenade ou la ville de S�ville. Les révoltés de Cordoue. Welcome back. islam   Le soulèvement qui eut pour cadre les Alpujarras dans la région de Grenade à l’époque de Philippe II (1568-1751) écrasé par les troupes aux ordres de Don Juan d’Autriche (ndt demi-frère de Philippe II et fils adultérien de Charles Quint, futur vainqueur de Lépante) posa de … I really enjoyed the focus on the ordinary and the downtrodden in the story. Un peu � l'�cart, sur une petite terrasse, Hernando tressaillit lorsqu'il vit sa m�re se diriger lentement vers don Martin, qui agonisait sur le sol. Les révoltés de Cordoue. I had to stop at one third of the book. The novel is of the historical-fiction genre and describes the life of a Moor (Spanish Muslim) through the turbulent period of Aben Humeya's uprising to the late 16th century and early 17th century. Edité par R. Laffont. As other re. Comme cela avait �t� le cas avec Les cath�drales de la mer, j'ai beaucoup appris avec. Is about the life of Hernando Ruiz. Those who like historical novels and the history of Spain, Ildefonso Falcones is the Ken Follett of Spain, i.e. Les revoltes de Cordoue | Falcones Ildefonso | download | Z-Library. I believe the book is very accurate historically, with all the details about the culture and lifestyle of those times, but I had no interest in knowing what was going to happen. roman   (In addition, there is detailed explication of various points of religious dogma which, for me, fell in the TMI category.) Royaume de Grenade. The setting describes the environment of Andalusia during the Spanish Inquisition. The main character is a bastard son of a Catholic priest and a Muslim girl who struggle through a civil war and makes it to the higher echelons of Spanish society, only to be unceremoniously chucked out because of his uncertain credentials by a Royal decree. I have so many nice books in my "To Read" shelf, I couldn't bear to continue putting them off in exchange for this. It tells of the life of Hamid/Hernando/"The Nazarene," a Moorish mule-driving boy of 16th century Spain who grows up to be all kinds of amazing things: a calligrapher, horse trainer, translator, dad, lover, traitor, gambler, spy. Si l'Espagne vit son âge d'or, ce n'est guère le cas de ses Maures - les musulmans sont expropriés, battus, humiliés par l'impitoyable Inquisition. It introduced me to a part of the Islamic history that I know a little off. I think it is wonderful when authors truly research their topics. He learns the catechism and prayers from the church Sacristan while at the same time the Koran from the Scholar Hamid. Dans le dernier juif, Noah Gordon �voque la trag�die de l'expulsion des Juifs d'Espagne � la fin du XVe si�cle. Since losing their last stronghold of Granada in 1492, the Spanish Muslims (Moors) are forced to live a paradoxical lifestyle appearing to profess Christianity while inwardly still maintaining the Muslim faith. LES REVOLTES DE CORDOUE: Amazon.es: ILDEFONSO FALCONES: Libros Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para … I read this book upon my return from a trip to Granada because of my interest in learning more about the Moors in Spain, and it served that purpose well. En sautant d'une critique � l'autre j'ai d�couvert Les r�volt�s de Cordoue. Les révoltés de Cordoue: Amazon.es: Falcones, Ildefonso, Plantagenet, Anne: Libros en idiomas extranjeros Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. litt�rature espagnole   For now, let's move on! It almost seemed as if the author was. It's not that I hated it, it's just that it was sooooo boring and soooo long! I felt I was reliving the visit of such sites through the words of the writer and I marveled at their beauty once again. The story bounces along and it's the kind of book you can put down for a week or so and go back to without losing any of the plot. Et un point central de ce grand roman historique qui s'attache � la vie des Maures en Andalousie au XVIe si�cle, entre insurrection, assimilation et cohabitation. litt�rature   If almost feels like you are reading two different books. Refresh and try again. As a novel, the book was much less satisfying. Because truly it isn’t. The young bastard of a muslim girl who was was raped by a Catholic Priest is that protagonist. Ce roman de. The virtuosity of the novelist can be seen by how complex characters are rendered easy to read and follow in a thousand page tome. In the final pages of the book, there is a sudden return to the Hernando-Fatima story line, which is resolved in a way that is so unsatisfying as to feel like a betrayal. les révoltés de Cordoue - Livre - 1568. It's not very demanding but it holds the interest. Read 438 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Would definitely suggest to any reader looking for an epic adventure that thrusts a single character through a multitude of triumphs in tragedies, although I may suggest Cathedral of the Sea over this if one is first introducing themselves to Falcones. Résumé : 1568. Au souffle romanesque et au talent de conteur d'Ildefonso Falcones, s'ajoute une sensibilité a des thèmes - la tolérance, le droit à la différence - dont l'écho se prolonge jusqu'à nos jours. La révolte gronde.À Juviles, royaume de Grenade, un jeune muletier est entraîné dans la tourmente des affrontements à venir. This wasn't going to be a week's read. I feel like this book was a missing piece in my life. While I appreciate all the research that went into this book, and I actually managed to learn something about the lives of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, befo. On se prend d'affection pour ce personnage qui affronte de … And to be frank it isn’t. I picked it up because I knew very little about the part of Spanish history that it deals with, and I was curious to learn. However, it was an entertaining and interesting read, covering a period of history I was previously unaware of. He is an equal opportunity critic of all sides. A must read in this time of Muslim unrest. Might sound a bit overrated, but let me explain. While I appreciate all the research that went into this book, and I actually managed to learn something about the lives of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, before they were either assimilated or kicked out, the characters felt terribly basic. À la suite de ses inoubliables héros, Hernando et Fatima, Les Révoltés de Cordoue nous entraîne dans une fresque historique et amoureuse traversée par le rêve de tout un peuple. I also love a giant portion of history in books, but not in the way it was executed in this novel. I actually hadn't reached the 400 pages when I gave up. At that point, there is an avulsive change in the story. The last few chapters were attention-grabbing; I kept reading anxious to know what will happen next and how it will all end. histoire   Les hommes poignard�rent le b�n�ficier et le pr�tre. Avec Les Révoltés de Cordoue, loin d'être avare en détails, Ildefonso Falcones livre une incroyable fresque historique. The protagonists are Hernando, a mixed breed Andalusi Muslim/Spanish Christian (historically categorized as New Christian/Old Christian to distinguish the Catholic Castillians from the forced conversion Sepahardic Jews and Morisco Muslims who. À la suite de ses inoubliables héros, Hernando et Fatima, Les Révoltés de Cordoue nous entraîne dans une fresque historique et amoureuse traversée par le rêve de tout un peuple. Wow! Royaume de Grenade. Comme cela avait été le cas avec Les cathédrales de la mer, j'ai beaucoup appris avec Les révoltés de Cordoue. In the end, I found that it was just too long and felt like I was hurrying through the last couple of hundred pages just to get it over with. La Mano de Fatima is beautifully written historical fiction concerning Spanish and European history in the Sixteenth Century. Arab medicine and knowledge were. The lbiraries of these a cultured people, their medical and scientific texts were burned. The story behind Muslim persecution in Spain in the 1500's and 1600's. Aucun des chrétiens prisonniers n’avait renié sa foi. Formats disponibles : Les révoltés de Cordoue PDF, Les révoltés de Cordoue ePUB, Les révoltés de Cordoue … 45 -5% avec retrait magasin 11 €90. 1568. First of all this book could have been written in half of the pages it contains now. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. N… Enjoyable long read, even if sometimes I felt the events were a bit too crow-bar just as a way of advancing the plot and giving Hernando and his family yet more suffering. The plot itself is presented in a style that should seem inc. Reading this led to an inevitable comparison with Falcones's other great novel, Cathedral of the Sea, and consequently some bias in my enjoyment of it. The Hand of Fatima is a translated work of art from Spanish (first published in Catalan) in 16th-17th century Spain. La Mano de Fatima is beautifully written historical fiction concerning Spanish and European history in the Sixteenth Century. The young bastard of a muslim girl who was was raped by a Catholic Priest is that protagonist. 5 neufs à 11€90 14 occasions dès 4€35 Télécharger La cathédrale de la mer - ebook (ePub) Ildefonso Falcones Anne Plantagenet. A l'inverse des �difices chr�tiens, dans la mezquita, la base solide, le poids, se trouvait au-dessus des colonnes �lanc�es, en un d�fi manifeste et public aux lois de la gravit�. I felt I was being force fed what to think. À la suite de ses inoubliables héros, Hernando et Fatima, Les Révoltés de Cordoue nous entraîne dans une fresque historique et amoureuse traversée par le rêve de tout un peuple. “Hay cosas que nos hacen envejecer más que el trascurso de los años...”, Premio Roma for International Literature (2010), The Debut Novel 'Of Women and Salt' Explores the Force of History. Nous sommes un peuple qui a toujours scrut� l'horizon dans l'espoir d'apercevoir une arm�e, turque ou alg�rienne, mais celle-ci n'est jamais apparue. Écrasés par l'Inquisition, humiliés par des années d'oppression, les Maures prennent les armes et font couler le sang dans les villages blancs de la Sierra Nevada. ‎ Un royaume déchiré entre deux religions, un amour sans limites, un homme face à son destin... 1568. It tells of the life of Hamid/Hernando/"The Nazarene," a Moorish mule-driving boy of 16th century Spain who grows up to be all kinds of amazing things: a calligrapher, horse trainer, translator, dad, lover, traitor, gambler, spy. I was back, back in a tale that was going to engross me and take me over, where I would feel every twist and turn in the fate of the protagonist. Si sa plume est caustique quand elle décrit les ruses les plus atroces adoptées par les deux camps, elle se pare de sensualité et de tendresse quand il s'agit de décrire les femmes qui ponctuent la vie d'Hernando. But again I felt even more discomforted about how violently the Muslims of that period (The Moors) were treated, murdered or even expelled out of their own lands penniless.It somehow reminded me of how the Jews were expelled from Europe centuries afterwards. The translation into English is very well done - sometimes translated books feel clunky - but the translation here is smooth and easy. P�gina Dos - Entrevista a Ildefonso Falcones (20/09/2016), Vous aimez ce livre ? - [...] En v�rit�, nous ne sommes rien de plus, semble-t-il, que des pestif�r�s : les chr�tiens nous ha�ssent mortellement et nul dirigeant musulman n'a fait quoique ce soit pour nous aider. The protagonists are Hernando, a mixed breed Andalusi Muslim/Spanish Christian (historically categorized as New Christian/Old Christian to distinguish the Catholic Castillians from the forced conversion Sepahardic Jews and Morisco Muslims who were eventually expelled from Catholic Spain) and Fatima, a sister in the Islamic faith who is the love of his life. a travers le Coran ,l'arabe a atteint la condition de langue divine,sacr�e et sublime. The plot itself is presented in a style that should seem incredibly familiar if one is acquainted with Cathedral of the Sea: varied episodes spanning a single character's entire life of conquests and pitfalls comprise the plot and actually allow the book to be as unnecessarily lengthy as it is.
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