It’s also a great warm up drill to use for games or practice. Your defense is at a constant disadvantage and it forces them to hustle, communicate, and rotate. He posts a new article daily and has a lot of really good articles that he has written as well as contributions from several other coaches. ​Players must remain in a low and wide defensive stance during the entire drill. Drill: The Team Blitz starts with a line of players along each sideline (team 1 and team 2). on their player. The drill starts with #1 (defensive player) passes the ball to #2 (the player that #1 is guarding) and then executes a perfect close out. a stop. Improve on-ball defense (drills 1 and 5). You take the defense through the same Two members of Team 2 start in the opposite lane from Team 1 and are ready to defend. They then retreat to the basket and move on to the next player. Sprint - Motion forward with hands. If you score on offense, you stay on the court. Close-Outs - Point hands in the air. When the X2 picks the ball up X2's team is on Once screens are consistently being defended This drill works on several components, sprinting to a close out, contesting the shot, blocking out and the push step. them to transition to offense by getting a defensive stop. The defense attempts to constantly deny the pass to the offensive player on the wing. On the closeout, the defender should use short, choppy steps, get one hand up to contest the shot, and ensure balance to absorb the drive. defensive players (numbers), with a coach up rebounds. If you don’t know Jim, he’s trained some of the best youth and high school players in the world. 3v3 defensive drills are also great because it's Make sure to focus on the main defensive movements. You can change possession on points scored Thanks, simple easy to implement drills. Since this drill covers all the most frequent movements players will make on defense, it’s one of the best basketball defense drills to get them used to these different movements. So Jim knows a thing or two about defense.. Let’s get to the drills! After a certain amount of time, swap the offensive players with the defensive players and continue the drill. Transition Defense Drills ChangetoGo 1 3 2 4 5 x1 x3 x2 x4 x5 CHANGE DRILL: Offense executes offense vs 5 defenders (tryingtoscore). time to solidify their learning. This drill allows players to practice their positioning and being able to react to the movements of the offensive player. Quick Feet. It forces the It forces the defensive player to practice the correct defensive slide up and down the court. The team that sets the ball down (in black) must Each player has a basketball. When the first defender has slid around the cone on the other side of the court, they again sprint to close out, and then once again slide to the opposite side of the court before returning to the end of the line. Oftentimes, when coaches talk about focusing on skill development in practice, they are referring to working on offensive skills like shooting, passing, ball handling, and finishing. Progression 1: The offense is not allowed to go capability to transition into help defense in a team setting! number of "stops" by the defense. If there's not enough space for the entire team, split the team in … The coach stands out front of the group to be seen clearly at all times by all of the players. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! You look for correct help positioning, O3 passes into the post O4. Players shouldn’t be leaning forward when in defensive stance. It can be a very effective zone defense, because it still covers the 3-point arc as well as the inside game. There is only one defensive player X2, and he/she is in a defensive position on O2 (on the left wing). screens, ball screens, back screen, staggered screens, horns sets, Princeton sets, etc. Force Turns Prior To Half Court - If you want to make the drill really challenging for the full court The offensive player has a maximum of 2 - 3 dribbles before shooting. Defensive Close-Outs and Drills... several drills for teaching good defensive close-outs (5-10 min). If the defense gets a stop, then the offensive player will transition to defense like usual. winners stay on the court. The ‘Pride Drill.’ Teach gritty defensive play with a drill that exercises more than a dozen different … All you need is the right motivation and work ethic to become a better athlete. By Coach Brian Williams on July 31, 2015. pressure. After two slides, they back-pedal to the rim. The first movement is a sprint and then close out to the cone in front. This will improve anticipatory skills and reaction speed for the lane. Make sure to keep the team's baskets the same, though. "goalie" and defend the lob, seeing cutter and If your players are good at defending it, it will take a lot of teams out of their offense and confuse them. The Defender's job is keep the ball out of the Full Court Shell 2v2: Practicing full court pressure and positioning. defend the screen correctly. ball. It forces defenders to learn how to defend in a game-like environment. You have the defender guarding them. Use both ends of the court. After one repetition, you can go to the next They cannot pick To make the defense get two consecutive stops or a three-stop total before they rotate out. In order to have a great defense night in and night out, you must be able to defend half court setting. Make sure it’s game pace! Full Court - You can also play the game full court as a variation. This is one of the most important basketball defense drills as most offenses start with a top to wing pass. The drill is set up with 4 offensive (black) and 4 There Too early and it gives the offense too much time. In this 4 on 3 situation, someone will always be open, but with good positioning and effort you can You can also see progressions There is also SPECIAL bonus that shows you exactly how to develop your defense better and faster. A coach or another player then instructs the team to complete different defensive movements that players must follow as a collective group. Line Hops … You will require four D-men or cones for this drill. 3-Point Shot Hits Rim - A progression would be to add that the offense can score another point The ball hander (2) has the ball on the baseline. After closing out to each of the 4 offensive players, the player joins the end of the line and starts again when it’s their turn. Defensive Specialist is a continuous drill that works on the different defensive movements players will make on defense including closeouts, defensive sliding, back-pedalling, and sprinting. Even zone defense coaches use drills like these because of the tremendous benefits that they Learning defensive skills through basketball defense drills is the only way to become a … A defensive drill that focuses on the fundamentals of individual defense while incorporating in conditioning. and necessary effort. X2 is picking it up in the diagram. The 4 offensive players or coaches spread around the 3-point arc. We may repeat this drill for two or three games. Progression 2: The offense goes "live" Basketball Drills Team Defense. you are at a constant disadvantage, the offense is going to score a lot. improve your ability to scramble and match up. The offensive players should practice getting open by establishing a higher foot than the defender and then exploding out to the wing. Modify these drills to fit what you need to use to teach and reinforce and your defensive rules, concepts, and principles. A coach or manager is positioned at the top. Defensive Stance - Chair Drill. This forces defenders to maintain intense ball Offense must be in the triple threat stance and protecting the basketball from the defender. You now instruct, "Live!" Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! Defense Stops - One effective tactic to get players to focus on the defensive end is to only allow When pressuring the basketball, the defender should trace the basketball with one hand and keep the other hand low to poke away a dribble. From a big picture perspective, you can Depending on the amount of players you have, run this drill for 3 – 5 minutes. It really … Winner Stays - You can set up teams of three and play to a determined amount of points. No Paint Defense Drill. This often happens in transition and rotating out of help defense. Players must drop step and then slide that direction. is to only allow one shot each possession. ​Players must be sprinting and sliding at 100% effort throughout the entire drill. corner to wing when you instruct, "Interchange.". Cones Instead of Players - If all you’re doing is closing out and retreating, consider using cones to close out to instead of players. After each possession, the defense turns to The offensive player on the weak side block will Easy for the players to understand and learn from. This continues for a usually 2 - 3 minutes. The coach then uses both visual and verbal cues to instruct players’ to perform defensive movements. The first team to 3 wins. Beat Them. The two offensive players are positioned on the wings. The help side offensive players will set a The players from the offense have to be on the three-line area while the defensive players are on the baseline area. Players learn the proper fundamentals of a defensive stance. Live 1-on-1 – After the pass is made, you can allow the players to play one-on-one until a score or a missed shot. 1-on-1 Drills... half-court and full-court (cut and pressure) drills, defending in the open court (5-10 min). The coach demonstrating the drill is John Becker of Vermont. Players behind must communicate with the player in front of them. Get your FREE Ebook - 11 Basketball Defense Drills & Special Bonus! Hold the close out for a second or two before moving on. This will prevent players from dribbling all over the court and ensures they’re attacking in limited space. game, except the only way to a point is to the in That way, if you're Now the defensive player should be in a parallel stance with both arms extended as high as possible to force the lob pass. "live" 3 on 3 situation. © Copyright 2021 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. Defending cuts, screens, getting into Additionally, he won the Nike Global Challenge with Team USA West. "Beat Them" means that you drive baseline to Excessive Fouling - You want our players playing hard on defense, but playing smart. Defensive players start under the basket and must sprint out and close out on each of the four offensive players spread around the three-point arc. After the score or defense takes possession, the offensive player immediately closes out on the opposite wing and they play 1-on-1. Too late and the offensive player won’t be able to attack on the catch. coach, manager, or other players pass. Arms must be out to the sides throughout the entire drill. defenders comes in to stop the ball. people away from you. For example, when running a defensive sliding drill, you need too make sure each player continually maintains a wide base, keeps their hands out, maintains good balance, keeps their butt down, and so on. They then put pressure on the offensive player for 2 - 3 seconds before back-pedalling until they’re within the charge circle and then sprint out to the next player. baseline drive routine as progression 3. It's just a like a regular half court Many teams will use the 2-3 zone against athletic teams to limit their drives to the rim and force them to take shots from the outside. handler from advancing the ball. On the whistle, the offense will set the ball down correctly, the drill can be moved to a "live" goes back to playing defense straight up. keep things under control. Communication is a must in this drill and your players will be forced to improve. Time Clock / Limited Dribbling - You can also have dribble limits and time clocks, so the offense Defender X4 will hang back and become weak side elbow. dribble penetration. Defender X2 follows the pass with a hard close They’re not going to be enthusiastic if you’re not. shot, then block out and hunt the rebound. X2 starts the drill with a pass to 2 on the wing. up. You can put tape on the floor to extend the lane. defender, you can reward them for the number of times that they force the ball handler to stop and Poor close outs can destroy your defense which will lead to the offense scoring more points against you. Even if you play half court or quarter court defense, this should be a staple for every coach. offensive players. Defensive Drills. It's not playing smart. Drill can also be done with posts in the low position. Add Passer - So the defender doesn't know when the pass is going to occur, you can have the Then they check the ball on the Each change of direction is worth one point. tougher to defend the entire court with three players than with five players like during a game. Players sprint 2 - 3 steps forward and then close-out with high hands while keeping a low base. By Coach Brian Williams on November 20, 2013. Click the blue link to read the individual post. Defense, X1 and X2 start under the basket. for teaching how to defend down screens and back screens. The 4 offensive players all have a basketball. you have the players interchange positions from This drill is perhaps one of the essential basketball defense drills. Multiply Each game of 1-on-1 can’t cross over to the opposite side of the court. You don't even have to start in a This requires them to read the defender before they’ve received the basketball. offense's goal is to score. Drop step slides - Point diagonally behind them. Make sure all defensive footwork is done well since this is a very important part of the drill. And think about this, you can have anywhere between 100 to 250 close outs per game. (Prevents Spam). offense to rotate and have basket cutters. reaching. Opposite Direction - While the drill states to perform it clockwise, throughout the drill you should change the direction people are rotating at some stage. Three members of Team 1 start on the court at the top of the key area, middle player with the basketball. On the coach’s call, the offensive player being defended starts the drill by v-cutting to get open for the pass from the top and then competing 1-on-1 until a score or change of possession. Five times three is equal to? The coach will start the drill by passing to one of from different angles and positions like you would during a game. force help. More Drills and Dvds on www.basketballxchange.comFacebook stephen curry, … When you instruct, "Pass." Pay attention to the footwork of both players. concepts. proper close outs, appropriate on-ball defense, progression in the drill is to begin awarding points if you are seeing excessive fouling and hand on the ground. This means the offense must wait while the defender closes out until the defender touches their hip before they can attack the rim. This is one of the best drills at eliminating penetration into the paint! The offensive player from the previous 1-on-1 immediately closes out and they play compete until a score or change of possession. Players fall backwards simulating taking a charge and then get straight back up into pitter patter. The (in the paint), turnovers, and defensive This version of shell drill includes … to score. The ball can be skipped and players are allowed The defense will jump to the ball and work to If the shot is taken they must box out their player and rebound. Basketball defense drills can be run by the coach, the parent, and even the player. Players are spread out in the half or full court in a defensive stance an even distance apart from each other. Once the ball is dribbled past half court, it is a to dribble penetrate in their areas (but are The following is a beginner progression for teaching the shell drill. Different Course - You can easily change the course by differing the placement of the cones. Sure, a huge part of playing defense is mindset and attitude, but these eight drills will teach skill and technique. the dribble drive or pass. The Team Defense Drillbook is jam-packed with 26 fun and effective defensive basketball drills to help you lock down your opponents and win more games this season.. You'll learn the best way to teach basic team defense principles, competitive practice ideas to help your kids take pride in their "D" - and advanced in-game strategies to shut down your competition. Have your entire team stand with their backs to a bench, bleachers, or a row of chairs. Different Spots on the Floor - The drill can also be run making a pass from the wing to the corner or from the wing to the top of the key. Purpose: This drill emphasizes the swing step, also known as the defensive drop step. 3 is the last ball handler. defender (X1) down the floor. Additionally, it's great for conditioning and building mental toughness. One basketball starts at the front of the offensive line at each end of the court. If they don't get a stop, a new group of The Shell Drill – Most Safe Basketball Defense Drills. Someone on defense (anyone but the player Drill Setup. offense. This allows them to quickly prevent a backdoor pass instead of having to make a 180 degree turn. Defensive Basketball Drills . Is There a Need for Learning Defense Drills? You have the ball handler start on the baseline. Their goal This drill works on your defenders' ability to scramble and pick up a different player when a game Players perform this defensive course one-by-one. Once they reach half court, it scramble to guard someone. offensive player ready to play defense. On the rebound call, players must jump up and down three times as high as they can simulating getting a defensive rebound. scrambling, you go "live" and the offense looks It's also great because it allows you to be efficient with your team. This drill starts out as 4 on 3 scramble drill and then adds the 4th defender. How it Works: up the player that was guarding them. to beat the defender (X2). Rule-you For the drill to work effectively, the pass from the top to wing must be made at the right time. and offensive actions. This is a great way to get players defending Now you instruct, "Pass. Players must have enough space between each other. Drill Setup. Example, If you believe that penetrating via the pass or the dribble is one of the best offensive weapons, this You position four or five offense players on the court. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. As 3 receives a pass from 2, defensive player 1 jumps to denial position on the player he is guarding (#2) As the ball is swung to #4, #1 jumps to the help spot. The primary purpose of this drill is to work on closeout technique. You can rotate the offensive player each repetition. Players must sprint forward to their starting position. the basketball in a one on one setting. Home > Coaching > Drills > 2-3 Zone Defense. defenders practicing defense all at once. have some superb 1 on 1 full court defenders. drill is a must! You can have four or five Loser Stays On Defense - If the offense scores, the defender must stay on defense until they get Yow Close-Out Drill The coach C (or an assistant) starts with the ball on top (diagram A). The offensive player (2) tries to beat the If offense rebounds, play to score. You can practice defending any situation. Basketball Drills - Defensive Drills. The coach must be enthusiastic while leading the players through the drill. mostly stationary early on as you learn rotation). One defensive player on the wing guarding the offensive player. Improve defensive technique (drills 3 and 4). The 2 defensive players must play on their player and adjust / react to the ball movement. through and recovers, the "goalie" can close out This is Improves defensive footwork and technique required to successfully guard a player with or without the ball. of protecting the paint and not letting anybody get in there. Coach starts drill with a pass from the top. Usually it’s best to allow 3 dribbles for youth players and 2 dribbles for advanced players. Charge - Cross arms at chest. number (like 3) makes it really competitive and Also, you can get a bunch of reps in a short amount of Get used to doing it for games. You can also get a free PDF of the seven defense drills and four BONUS drills that are not included below. 4 on 4 Scramble Drill. An offensive and defensive player start by playing 1-on-1 from the wing. The next The rest of the players form a line at the top of the key each with a basketball. The drill begins with all players down in a low stance and ‘pitter-pattering’ their feet (quick feet). 1-on-1 Drill. You can practice defending all types of cuts, screens, This drill can also be done as a 5 on 4 type of drill. The offensive player can perform a v-cuts and utilise changes of speed but must stay on the line between the wing and the basket. managers, or other players act as passers. When in denial position, the defender should have their chest facing the offensive player and have their arm out looking over their shoulder. the defender as it emulates what will happen during a game. Wing Starts With Basketball - Instead of receiving the pass from the top and being able to attack the defense as they’re closing out, both wing players start the drill with a basketball as well. If you have 15 players, you can also run this drill 5-on-5-on-5. Offense passes the help position, stopping dribble penetration, etc. court. offense and defense play basketball. Line Hops - side to side (feet shoulder-width apart) Line Hops - front to back. Additionally, the offense learns how to handle the ball under pressure and improve passing. baseline and start over. floor. Players should be sprinting and back-pedalling hard on every closeout. This is one of the best drills at eliminating penetration into the paint! Vary The Passing Position - You can also pass from different positions on the floor to close out The defender should maintain contact with their arm-bar throughout the drill. The first player in line sprints out to the first offensive player in a clockwise direction and closes out on the ball. Both Sides of the Floor - Since there are only 3 players involved at one time in the drill, run it on both sides of the court and also at the opposite end of the court if you have enough players. Since youth basketball is normally decided by which team makes more layups, this is a basketball drill you must use often. them a "touch" of the hand. One player with a basketball on the strong-side slot position. being in a great stance, closing out, jumping to the ball, sprinting areas, and other key defensive baseline drive, the ball handler turns and is nothing better than improving on ball defense by putting the defensive player out on an island The coach skip-passes to player O3 in the corner. Limited Dribbling – Limit the dribbles the offensive player on the wing is allowed to use before taking their shot. The drill starts with the offensive player walking the defender in and exploding out looking to receive the pass from the player in the slot. Skip. "Skip" indicates you pass to the player two The rest of the players underneath the basket. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! top with the ball. Encourage players to be loud on close-outs, charge calls, when back-pedalling, etc. out. with the defensive players. keeps the intensity at the level you want. At first, the on-ball defender will let This is a fast-paced drill to practice in order to get better at closing out, contest shots, and prevent This is meant to be a conditioning drill too. Make them stop the ball with their feet moving, not their hands The drill can also progress to allowing the is a video clip from our Man to Man Defense 4-DVD set with Jim Huber. These drills are from defensive expert Jim Huber. understand how to defend in that situation. the players at the elbow. Once the player who was back screened gets You can also use the shell drill to work on specific defensive techniques. Instructions: The first player in line sprints out to the first offensive player in a clockwise direction and closes out on the ball. All defenders must learn how to play good 1-on-1, on-ball defense. end, they will hand off to 4, who will be facing 5 vs. 4 Defensive Disadvantage Drill [Video] 67 More Basketball Defense Drills … In this video clip from the Man To Man Defense System - How To Build It Step By Step, Jim Huber instructs how to do this drill. Get the FREE PDF - The Best 11 Defense Drills. situation forces them to do so. next to you. V-Cuts to Start - In this variation the top doesn’t pass immediately to the wing. The offensive player on the wing must wait for the new defender to sprint to them and then the one-on-one starts with the offensive player getting open using a v-cut on the wing. Purpose. After the third catch, the players swap positions. One offensive line and one defensive line. towards player 3. These 3 defensive drills are from Matt Monroe’s Hoops Roundtable site. You’re going to improve 1on1 defense, close outs, help positioning, rotations, communication, transition defense, and more. It really develops a mentality Specifically the closeout for the defender and the footwork off the catch for the offensive player since many will rush and travel. This process of the offensive player immediately transitioning to defending the opposite wing continues for the amount of time given to the drill. This means that the Once a defensive team accomplishes this, the drill is over and the other two teams do push-ups (or run). Playing to a low Here's a difficult truth:Being willing to hustle and play hard on defense isn't enough...To develop a great defensive team, players must learn correct defensive technique and understand where they should be on the court depending on who they're guarding and the position of the basketball.And the best way to accomplish this is by using proven basketball defense drills during your team practices.The goal on the defensive end of the floor is to force the opposition into taking the most difficult shot possible.This requires players to be able to play great on-ball defense and for help defense to be in the correct position and ready to rotate and help when needed.Use the following 5 basketball defense drills to: Players form a line at the top of the key and fill the wing spots. good help position. quickly teach your players exactly what your team defense should look like. players are set up on the opposite end of the Each pair has a ball.
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