Are render nodes platform-independent? By default, it is in Applications > ChaosGroup > VRLService > OLS. The license server must be running to view the status web page. If the license server is installed locally it's indeed best to use the localhost address (or as a corresponding IP address) and to access the network interface internally. Why don’t I see any licenses under the online licensing section of the License Server? Render anything and everything with V-Ray. The V-Ray licensing system includes a way to "borrow" a license for offline use. V-Ray comes with all the lighting, shading, and rendering tools you need to create professional, photoreal imagery and animation. More information and setup scenarios regarding this can be found in our documentation here. Browse to the install location of the license server. It was coded for Windows by Chaos Software Ltd. Further information on Chaos Software Ltd can be seen here. What is included in the license? The License Server uses your operating system's Internet configuration settings by default. Primary License server: GSDLICENSE.UNIVERSITY.HARVARD.EDU After that - point the license settings on the render slave computers towards the machine with V-ray license server installed. After agreeing to the License terms you will proceed to Installation Parameters. V-Ray uses a "floating" licensing system which basically means you obtain a license through the V-Ray License Server, which will need to be installed onto your machine. V-Ray Online License Server How to uninstall V-Ray Online License Server from your PC V-Ray Online License Server is a computer program. V-ray license is activated automatically with your account. V-Ray Online License was built to handle your biggest projects and your toughest scenes. Select Rhinoceros 6, and Chaos Cloud to enable the ability to use the cloud render service if you choose to do so and then select Next. License Server version 5.0 provides licensing of the Chaos Group products without the need for any physical devices to be plugged in your machine. Select vrol.bin Proxy Settings. Next, select Remote V-Ray License Server on the Network and enter the. In some cases, it might still be required to change the proxy settings in the License Server settings. Chaos Group now offers online licensing for their products, which means there is no need … Updating from License Server 3.0 to 5.0 Step 3.8: Activate license on localhost If you are installing for the first time and uncheck the Activate during installation, a browser window will open the Chaos Group License Server interface or access the link. Check that the license server settings are correct. For more details on this process, please see the Borrowing Licenses for Offline Use page. Borrowing a license means you can still have access to your Chaos Group software without needing a USB dongle or an internet connection. Can I use a single license on more than one machine? The explanation on how to set up the license server configuration through the configuration file can be found here. This page contains details on how to remove it from your PC. What is your pricing model? How do I activate my online licenses? How can I set up V-Ray licensing with network / distributed rendering? V-Ray license server status: The V-Ray license server has a web interface that allows you to check its status and available licenses. V-Ray Online License is a server licensing program for V-Ray. It allows you to easily activate more licenses right after the purchase and provides a way to stay offline while using your products when you need to. For example, if the license server machine has an IP address of, you have to put that address in the “License server” field, under the tab “Primary license server”.
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