The audience sees him purposely pour coffee on his shirt, and then he goes, “Oh, shit, I spilled the coffee.” And Demi says, “Give me the shirt I can wash it.” So he takes off his shirt, and now he’s sitting there shirtless, saying seductive things to Demi Moore.When the studio executives saw that scene, what they saw in dailies was Tony Goldwyn shirtless over and over again in medium shots and close-ups and they got it into their heads that he wasn’t just shirtless, he was naked! That’s a moment that’s completely understandable on its own terms. What are they thinking? I just think it’s a mixture of how much you can hold in your mind — even if the film is emotionally engaging. On the other hand, you can’t — at that stage — apply all of your critical instincts because you just don’t know enough at that stage.The classic example of that for me was in “Ghost,” where Tony Goldwyn is trying to seduce Demi Moore, who has just been recently widowed.
Juli 1943 in New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Filmeditor, Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Tonmeister (Sound Designer Leben. One of your quotes from “The Conversations,” in the section about MURCH: Well, I cringe slightly when I go into some editing rooms, and what the editor has put on the wall are the posters from all the other films that he or she has cut: it’s bragging, or so it seems to me.What I do instead is have panels of printed images of selected moments, frames, from every camera position in the scene that I am working on.
I fix what is obviously wrong and preserve the happy accidents, clean up the overlaps, etc.I heard that David Lean cut without sound, and that gave me the courage to try it, and it turned out to work very well for me.
How can you shoot THAT duck? That’s a moment that’s completely understandable on its own terms. I’ll use shot B.
Of course, I’ve seen the dailies with sound and taken notes and I can lip read. We have to have some scene that will trigger his transformation. And for some reason, it actually works. But we don’t walk around with the umbilical cord. And MURCH: The common thread there is that they are all women. I just wanted to say those words. And, thanks to Edie, it was a diamond that involved one of the characters that we came to know and love in the film. All Rights Reserved. It was particularly true on The film was also a mixture of a detective thriller and a character study: Francis said he wanted to combine Hermann Hesse’s The trick on The Conversation was finding how to give just enough of the character study, and then just enough of the thriller so that they were in as much of a harmonious balance as we could get.
You have to read each card to know where you are. What’s going on?”Either they’ll say it was a mistake. Of course, when he was done he’d give it back to her and she would take it from there. I deliberately make myself ‘deaf’ in order to concentrate on body language and facial expressions.MURCH: Also, the dialogue track is not the finished soundtrack. Murch asked for Reel 2, Dialog Track 2, in the abbreviated form "R-2-D-2". Or they’ll say, “The director wants to linger very long on all of this.
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We had the negative of the final version of the film as released by Universal and we had a manufactured negative of the preview version of the film, which is probably what Welles saw that prompted these notes. We’re discussing his editing of the eight-episode Amazon Prime TV... © 2020 ProVideo Coalition, a Moviola Company. When you go those screenings with an audience, is that one of those things that you’re just inherently looking at — people are moving?MURCH: It’s interesting that we don’t photograph the auditorium with an infrared camera, which would be a great learning tool. They’re very comfortable with their Steinways, so to speak, and they would never play on a Yamaha.I had used Avid when I was a third editor on Joe Johnson’s The nickname, in those days, for Premiere was Final Cut Eight — meaning….MURCH: It might have been this. I’ll think about how I can fix it.”But you haven’t yet seen the finished film, everything is being shot out of sequence, and so your information is restricted.Let’s say the first assembly seems to be rising up above the horizon, so to speak.
Steve Hullfish asks follow up questions on “In the Blink of an Eye” and “The Conversations”Walter Murch, ACE, has edited for more than six decades on more than 60 films and more Oscars, Emmys, Eddies and BAFTA awards than I can mention. And that kind of calmed things down.
You’re trying to pick up the rhythmic signature of this particular film. Can you expound on that?MURCH: Yes, the choice of the last frame of a shot is perhaps the most important part of the “performance” of the editor.
And then I’ll ask the script supervisor for instance: “These three scenes: I thought they’d be 40 seconds, but you say they’re two minutes. You can’t do it. Eventually, all will be presented as text and all will be presented as podcasts, just not in the same release order.MURCH: It’s not unique to film – the same struggle goes on in writing a novel, or a poem, or a piece of music.
Emotion, Story and Rhythm are the top three – with Emotion at the very top – and issues of continuity are at the bottom – with three-dimensional continuity at the very bottom.If you have to sacrifice one of those top three then sacrifice rhythm first. HULLFISH: Yeah.
The two suns add this other-worldly element to it. But with film it’s also got something to do with the ability of people to sit still for a couple of hours.
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