Lovely Music, Ltd., 1990. running (ii) a simple past e.g. Haha. Why can't the Earth's core melt the whole planet? The album starts with a relatively bland Lucier.."I am sitting in a room" but as the generations progress everything becomes a pure ambient. Side note: sit may be transitive or intransitive, but seat is always transitive and must take a direct object. I hated, (iii) a past participle which is often the same as the simple past e.g. would you say I am/was ran/left/bought/swam instead of I am/was running/leaving/buying /swimming? Which governors can flip the Senate as of March 2021? Pain that feels like a "stitch" Sharp pain with movement I hear this quite often, however, and ultimately usage overrules formality. This condition can be caused by growth spurts in children, back injury, injections into the buttocks, repetitive lifting, and sitting for long periods of time (common in truck drivers). Did any processor have opposite endianness for instructions and data? Since all rooms have characteristic resonance or formant frequencies (e.g. You're right that they don't pattern with the class of verbs called "stative" in English; but semantically they certainly are stative, and in some languages have particular grammar because of that. I'm sure we can agree that "took" is the simple past form of "take", while "taken" is the past participle. It's typically used when telling a story or complaining. He livestreamed himself speaking, and then had software capture the original livestream and rebroadcast it to the stream. I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. It appears that, though extremely awkward, it would be correct, as sat is the past part of sit. Varicose Veins. I have sat/stood, I had sat/stood or use the continuous e.g. Sat is the past participle of sit and thus, unless I’m missing something, [1i] must be grammatical. I was trying to capture a property of these words and no others that I can think of in (some dialects of) English. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but more as a way to smooth out any irregularities my speech might have. When used with to have the case is active. The poor blood circulation- if there is a decrease in the blood volume, this means less blood flowing to the heart. I am sitting in the morning At the diner on the corner I am waiting at the counter For the man to pour the coffee And he fills it only halfway And before I even argue He is looking out the window At somebody coming in "It is always nice to see you," Says the man behind the counter To the woman who has come in She is shaking her umbrella run, but sometimes different e.g. Watch the official video for (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay by Otis Redding. [8][9], Lucier performed the piece during the 2012 Venice Biennale Musica at the Teatro alle Tese, and a recording of this performance was commercially released on the 2016 album Alvin Lucier / Alter Ego: Two Circles.[10]. iii. Grammatically correct use of 'whilst stood', “Bad weather doesn't exist” vs. “The bad weather doesn't exist”. In my dialect (and I think in most British ones), it is, Well I wouldn't, but the usage that caused me to ask the question was in exactly that circumstance. Caffeine Overdose. [Edit: also, they don't pattern with the class of verbs usually called "stative" in English, in that they do have continuous forms: "I am sitting" etc.]. Can an English sentence have a 'dative subject'? flown. I am sitting in a room is a sound art piece composed in 1969 and one of composer Alvin Lucier's best known works. Softcover, 74 pages, color, 5 (w) × 7.5 (h) inches Cabinet Books, 2011 Support independent publishing: $12 directly from us; $10 for subscribers It occurs when sensory nerves that supply sensation to your extremities become compromised and begin to fire dysfunctionally, sending incorrect sensory messages to your brain. When I hear "I am sat here" or "I am stood there” etc. [2][3], The first recording of I am sitting in a room was made at the Electronic Music Studio at Brandeis University in 1969. Seated meaning “sitting down” is an adjective derived from the transitive verb to seat, and whose earliest citation in English is from Scott in 1817. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. A Habitable Zone Within a Habitable Zone--Would that Make any Difference? Old Norse for to sit is sitja, for to set setja. What is the rule? [13], In 2010, YouTube user Patrick Liddell created an homage to I Am Sitting in a Room entitled VIDEO ROOM 1000, in which he uploaded a video of himself speaking text similar to Lucier's original to YouTube, then manually downloaded and re-uploaded it 1,000 times in sequence over the course of a year, in order to demonstrate the resulting digital artifacting of audio and video analogously to Lucier's original demonstration of analog artifacting of audio. I suppose if you felt trapped at work (or even at home) and strongly wanted to be somewhere else, you might: "She's in the hospital, and I'm sat here with nothing to do, but no way to get to her and keep her company.". ", I was out with my coworkers last night and, Interesting. Can you give an example of transitive "sit"? more generally <>. Sitja and setja might easily have been muddled into one verb in northern dialects. Short(?) Etymonline has to sit, Proto-Germanic *setjan and to set, Proto-Germanic *satjan. sit, stand, lie, sleep, &c. We can say, I am trained, loved, watched, &c. ; but we do not say, I am sat, stood, slept, &c.-The etymologic interpreter; or, An explanatory and pronouncing dictionary of the English language (1824). As in the construct "She sat me down and told me ...". What makes you say it's the past participle of sit? If you experience dizzy spells frequently, you may have to lower your intake of caffeine. Tremors can feel like RLS.The two conditions aren’t the same, but it’s possible to have tremors and RLS together. The past participle is used with to be and to have. Complex compound adjective (adverbial phrase + participle), How to better reword this sentence? I am sat ii. "To sit" is in the present simple, and it refers to the act of sitting down. However, these entries have not been updated since the Second Edition of 1989, and it is possible that more recent hypothetical opprobrium for such things has not yet found its way into being reflected there. Colin Fine's answer: << Forms like "I am sat here" and "they were stood there" are common in certain dialects of English (such as Yorkshire, where I live), but are not regarded as standard English, which prefers "I am sitting here" and "they were standing there". denotes questionable grammaticality) In [1ii], the gerund-participle sitting is just a simple verb -- indicating that the subject is sitting. Hey, everybody. What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. Can a Circle of the Stars Druid roll a natural d3 (or other odd-sided die) to bias their Cosmic Omen roll? I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner. If so we note "I am/was sat/stood" = "I am/was sitting/standing" not "I have/had sat/stood". subpanel breaker tripped as well as main breaker - should I be concerned? run, but sometimes different e.g. @z7sg - Are you sure "I am knowing" is always invalid? I am sitting in a room is Alvin Lucier's idea of pure sound experiments. rev 2021.3.9.38752, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. A drop in blood pressure which can occur after sitting up or standing too quickly could cause this, as well as inadequate output of blood from the heart. According to the filmmakers' notes, "the various process steps of the piece [I am sitting in a room] divide the film into chapters so that this work serves as an integral part of the film. Dr. Dorothy Carin answered. Lucier, Alvin. "Alvin Lucier on 'I am sitting in a room' – YouTube", "DRAM: Notes for "Alvin Lucier: I am sitting in a room, "Mary Lucier by Alex Klein - BOMB Magazine", "Alvin Lucier, Alter Ego (9) – Two Circles", "VIDEO ROOM 1000 COMPLETE MIX – All 1000 videos seen in sequential order! I would use the verb to-have in these cases e.g. Is it wrong? Tingling, which is known medically as "parasthesia," is also often described as a feeling of "pins and needles," "limbs falling asleep" and "prickling" and is usually experienced in the extremities. [6] In collaboration with his partner Mary Lucier, the performance featured projections of Polaroid images that had been degraded like the voice. How could a person be invisible without being blind by the deviation of light from his eyes? Can I keep playing a character who annoys other PCs? "Cute" applications of the étale fundamental group, Caesar Cipher Encryption / Decryption in Python. To compensate this lack in the blood volume, the heart beats faster, in an attempt to neutralize the lack of blood volume with the increased heart rate. How to draw the proof of Pythagoras (Bhaskara’s Proof) with Latex. – YouTube", "Ontologist: Music, Video, and Meaning | VIDEO ROOM 1000 FAQ",, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 March 2021, at 20:48. Why do enlightened people contradict each other? In [1iii] we have the past participle used in what The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language calls the ascriptive use of be (a kind of copular clause). But it was probably unhelpful for me to call them "stative" here. He is … Symptoms. story with planet-wide spaceship-digesting plant life. In the ascriptive use, PC [predicative complement] denotes a property and characteristically has the form of AdjP or … NP. Buttock pain can affect either the right or left cheek, as well as the anus. Some relevant citations for the “I am sat” sort of sense include: It is interesting to note that the older sate spelling includes several 19th citations, including Thackeray’s Vanity Fair of 1848. See 2 authoritative translations of I am sitting in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Very similar. [1i] sounds wrong. I can in summary find no hint of condemnation in the OED for the use “I am sat”. I am seated (? In summary, I am sat is an example of the ascriptive use of be.
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