It is referred to as the 2–3 because of its formation on the court, which consists of two players at the front of the defense (closer to half court) and three players behind (closer to the team's basket). To effectively operate the 2–3 zone, a defense must move as a whole. Henderson developed this style of basketball successfully at Davis & Elkins College, before moving on to coach at Marshall University. To hide one (or more) weak defensive player. The 4 Most Important Rules of a 2-3 Zone. Every game session is now even more dynamic and amazing. Basket Coach: il sito degli allenatori di pallacanestro, esercizi di basket, schemi di gioco basket. 2-3 (2-1-2) Zone Basketball Defense Summary This zone is similar to the 2-3 zone that Jim Boeheim uses at Syracuse. Défense de zone 2/3 : La défense 2/3 est une défense de zone qui est très efficace pour empêcher l'équipe adverse de pénétrer ou d'avoir des tirs faciles prés du cercles. As a result, defenses often have a better idea of what to expect from the offensive team when playing a zone defense. Nella costruzione di una zona 2 – 3, che voglio sottoporvi, per definire le competenze di spazio e di responsabilità ho diviso il campo o la metà campo in quattro settori, dentro le linee tratteggiate non deve prendere posizione la palla, cercando di ridurre cosi linee di passaggio o di penetrazione molto efficaci per l’attacco e definendo in In 2003, Syracuse University coach Jim Boeheim led his team to an NCAA Tournament championship playing the 2–3 zone, which has become Boeheim's trademark. 2-1-2 2-3 Basketball Basketball positions Coach Coaching Defence Defense Diagram Keyway Zone Zone Defence Zone defense « 4 Common Mistakes made when Goal Setting. They are the first line of defense in this zone, and once they are beaten it leave the triangle of remaining players one their own. C’è poi un giocatore, spesso il centro della squadra, che si dispone sotto canestro a protezione del ferro e due giocatori, le ali, che si posizionano ai suoi lati. -“ The 1 and 2 man need to protect the perimeter. Publisher: Artem Kotov. attaque d’une defense 0/6 mixte type scandinave. Pour nous, ce début d’année est comme un grand saut dans le vide. Il negozio Basketzone è presente sul mercato dal 2010 e da allora abbiamo più di 100 000 clienti fedeli e il nostro profilo Facebook “piace: a più di 250 000 persone. Comme son nom l’indique, elle place deux arrières très haut et la frontline près du cercle. The 2–3 zone is sometimes called a 2–1–2 zone, simply because the player (usually the center) standing under the basket moves further up on the key. Publisher: Artem Kotov. Playname: 3-2 zone press. Défense de zone 3-2 Points Forts : Défense de zone favorisant la contre-attaque (défenseurs naturellement placés dans les couloirs) Points Faibles : Défense pouvant devenir catastrophique dès que la 1ère ligne est battue Généralités 1 2 4 5 3 Répartition des secteurs Zones de faiblesses Playbook Plays & Drills Animated basketball drills Animated basketball plays Play of the week Static plays & drills Books ... X4 covers lane > plays in front of basket X5 halfway position > assist with high post > cuts off any pass to low post. We talk about "not letting the roof cave in" which helps our players visualize keeping the ball above the zone and not allowing interior penetration. Playing from behind—teams that are losing rarely use the 2–3 zone, because it gives the opposing offense ample time—and space—to repeatedly pass the ball around the perimeter, reducing the amount of time left in the game. La più grande differenza tra una difesa a uomo ed una a zona è che invece di essere responsabili di un determinato avversario che sta attaccando, tutti i difensori sono responsabili di un’area del campo. It is more important to guard an open player than stay within the normal constraints of the zone. Au signal, chacun des joueur tente de prendre le ballon à sa « doublette » tout en maintenant son dribble et sans entrer dans la zone à 3 points. New weapons have been added, along with new opponents, and even more action and tactics. 3-2 (1-2-2) zones are commonly used to defend teams with good outside shooting and/or weaker post players. Comme au football, 2 systèmes de défense existent : l'individuelle et la zone. 2-3 Zone Defence; The Seven Principles of Success against Zone Defence; Zone Offense: Interior Player Set-up . La zona 2-3 è la zona nettamente più comune nel basket ed è più che probabile che questa specifica formazione difensiva sia l’immagine che balza alla mente dei coach quando sentono il termine “zona” legato alla pallacanestro. Puis l’équipe doit traverser le terrain uniquement en passes pour effectuer des tirs sur l’autre panier 4. basket-ball bcm ... Deux blocs de défense côtière datant de la Seconde guerre mondiale et contenant un total de "60 kg d'équivalent TNT" ont été neutralisés lors d'une ... une fois sur zone away from the basket. Buy Defense zone 2. Chaque joueur en attaque doit effectuer 1 tir 3. Nella costruzione della difesa a zona ci riallacciamo ai concetti già espressi nella difesa ad uomo. ARTEM KOTOV. Similarly, if that player moved to the right corner, the 4 player would move to guard him and the rest of the defense would shift towards that direction. Les jeux de défense, dont pas mal de Tower Defense, sont des jeux de stratégie basés sur la défense d'un territoire parmi lesquels nous retiendrons Goodgame Empire et Kingdom Rush, entre autres. Youth Coaches : Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the long-term development of your players. Non commettete un errore, una zona 2-3 non consente alla vostra squadra di riposarsi in difesa. Venete 2009, 0041 - Clinic Moncalieri 2006 - Luca Bechi: collaborazioni difensive sul pick&roll, 0031 - I movimenti del Post - Coach Pete Wehry, 025 - Esercizi per i fondamentali senza palla, 0024 - 9 esercizi per il palleggio e cambio di mano, 0023 - Esercizi per il miglioramento del palleggio, 0021 - Lezioni di fondamentali: il palleggio, 0020 - Fondamentale individuali per i giocatori esterni - P.1, 0038 - 500 Basketball Drills - Il passaggio, 0036 - Basketball drills no. Animated basketball play called 2-3 ... defense zone. You can also use it as a trapping defense. The main reason for this is that the 3-2 zone hard denies the wings from the top of the key and forces the opposition to initiate offense with a skip pass to the corner or to play through the mid-range. "Hiding" poor defensive players—because the 2–3 zone is so team-oriented, players who are less effective defensively are less likely to be exploited by the offense. It is referred to as the 2–3 because of its formation on the court, which consists of two players at the front of the defense (closer to half court) and three players behind (closer to the team's basket). Any team can use the 2-3 zone defense, you just have to adjust how you run the zone to best suit your personnel which we’ll talk about later on in the article. Sur la passe de O1 vers O2. Passage 1- demander aux joueurs de la zone 1 de transmettre les ballons aux autres joueurs sans changer de zone afin de remplir la zone 3 Passage 2- se donner le ballon en dribblant Passage 3- se faire des passes Passage 4- inverser les joueurs de zones The 3-2 zone defense did not provide the rebounding support for the fast break that Cam Henderson was using. Dai concetti alle esercitazioni P.2, 0053 - La transizione difensiva. This is can be a very effective zone defense, because it still covers the 3-point arc as well as the inside game. New weapons, landscapes, and options galore! Comment battre un Zone Defense 2-3 dans Basket-ball La défense de zone la plus commune qui est joué est la défense de zone 2-3. But now they’re even more powerful and madder than ever. 250,000 facebook users liked our profile. Questa difesa si adotta principalmente contro formazioni che fanno delle penetrazioni uno dei loro punti … Exercice 2 : Apprentissage d'une défense de zone 1-2-2 ou 3-2 Consignes : 3 à 5 attaquants, 2 à 3 défenseurs, 2 à 3 plots, 1 ballon. It has an island platform because of limitations on space due it being enclosed in a site originally earmarked for one of the underpasses of the A14 autoroute (which runs through La Défense underground). Defense Zone 3 HD. If you show a 1-3-1 or a 1-2-2 match-up zone, the offense may change to a 2-1-2, or 2-3 set. Degree of difficulty—because the 2–3 zone relies so heavily on well-timed teamwork, each individual player must know exactly where to be at all times. Sur la passe de 02 vers O1. Defense Zone 2 HD. This zone is similar to the 2-3 zone that Jim Boeheim uses at Syracuse. Principes généraux; Apprentissage de la Zone Press; Mise en place d'une Zone Press; Zone Press 1-2-1-1; Zone Press 1-2-2; Zone Press 2-1-2; Zone Press 2-2-1; Zone Press 1/2 Terrain Défense de Zone. As the opposing team moves with the basketball around the court, the zone as a whole shifts accordingly. $2.99. Youth Coaches: Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone The concept, however, remains the same. La difesa a zona 2-3, anche detta “fronte pari” è quella più utilizzata. Welcome to the long-awaited sequel to the popular action/strategy game! The 2–3 zone defense is a defensive strategy used in basketball as an alternative to man-to-man defense. We also don't want players overextending outside the perimeter creating gaps for th… Similarly, using a 2–3 more evenly distributes fouls throughout the players on defense, meaning foul-prone players are less likely to accumulate many fouls or foul out. In 1914, Eli Camden "Cam" Henderson's Bristol High School first used a 3–2 zone defense against Clair Bee's team, Grafton YMCA, in West Virginia. X3 anticipe déjà la future passe vers O3. I.2 Celui qui dribble au centre, doit essayer de prolonger son dribble de 2 pas dans la zone réservée afin d'attirer la deuxième ligne de défense (figure 2). Parte 1, 0004 - EUROPEI 2011: isolamenti della Germania, 0024 - Rimessa Israele Eurobasket 2017 di Roberto Assi, 0023 - ANGT Efes Istanbul - Rimesse da fondo e laterale, 0022 - ANGT Olimpia Milano - Rimessa da fondo, 0055 - La transizione difensiva. All Reviews: Mostly Positive (324) - 79% of the 324 user reviews for this game are positive. 2 équipes A en zone de défense et 2 équipes A en attaque sous 1 panier 2. La défense 3-2 -1 s’organise en 3 rideaux défensifs successifs qui forment un triangle dont les 2 « boss » sont les 2 numéros 3 (haut et bas). The 3-2 zone defense is a disruptive half-court zone that forces the opposition out of their regular offensive structure and set plays. The 3-2 zone defense is a disruptive half-court zone that forces the opposition out of their regular offensive structure and set plays. Il existe plusieurs types de défense de zone, et les plus courants sont la 3-2 (les 3 extérieurs à l'extérieur et les deux intérieurs à l'intérieur) et la 2-1-2 (deux joueurs extérieurs à l'extérieur, les deux intérieurs à l'intérieur, et un joueurs extérieur près de la ligne de lancer franc). ARTEM KOTOV. 3. Release Date: Dec 14, 2016. The 3-2 instead focuses on allowing for quick closeouts to perimeter players and limiting dribble penetration from the outside. Pushing side line. Il faut 2 groupes sur chaque demi-terrain. Gaps in the zone—there are a few areas on the court that often cause breakdowns in the 2–3 zone, especially at the high-. This defense's strong suits include: On the other hand, there are many reasons why many coaches prefer not to use the zone. Players should anticipate the next pass before it happens, so that when it does, each person knows where to go on the floor and fewer breakdowns happen. Dai concetti alle esercitazioni P.1, 0051 - 3c3 tutto campo con difesa in recupero, 0022 - Luca Banchi: esercizi per la costruzione della 3-2 - P2, 0021 - Luca Banchi: esercizi per la costruzione della 3-2 - P1, 0020 - Luca Banchi: costruzione difesa 3-2 - P4, 0019 - Luca Banchi: costruzione difesa 3-2 - P3, 0018 - Luca Banchi: costruzione difesa 3-2 - P2, 0004 - Difesa Match-up 1-2-2 - terza parte, 0003 - Difesa Match-up 1-2-2 - seconda parte, 0001 - Triangolo e due (guardie marcate a uomo), 0044 - I fondamentali nella pallacanestro, 0043 - Progetto di Qualificazione Nazionale (PQN), 0042 - Allenamenti Rappresentativa Regionale '96 Trentino A. A.- Trofeo Prov. The 2-3 zone defense is by far the most common zone in basketball and is more than likely the specific formation that will come to a coaches mind when they hear the term ‘zone’ relating to basketball. See more. Exemple de la défense match-up 1.2.2 Au départ, la zone réservée est défendue par la dernière ligne défensive (défenseurs 4 et 5), 1. Although it is a zone defense, players should always be aware of the offensive players' locations on the floor. Since that time, more than 100,000 customers trusted us and approx. Nonostante io non suggerisca questa difesa come opzione difensiva primaria, la zona 2-3 è una fantastica difesa per mischiare le carte in tavola, avere un’idea più chiara dei propri avversari e vedere come rispondono. Defense Zone 2 HD. 2.2.3 Mouvement offensif - 3 en extérieur, 2 en intérieur - doubles écrans (English) 2.2.4 Motion offence - 3 Out, 2 In - Blind (Back) Screens; 2.2.5 Mouvement offensif - 3 en extérieur, 2 en intérieur - pick & roll avec triangle du côté de l’aide; 2.2.6 Mouvement offensif - 3 en extérieur, 2 en intérieur - … La zona 2-3 è la zona nettamente più comune nel basket ed è più che probabile che questa specifica formazione difensiva sia l’immagine che balza alla mente dei coach quando sentono il termine “zona” legato alla pallacanestro. A contain press more than a steal press (1) Traps the first pass with 3 in the corner/wing area (2) Drops middle to deny there 2 the ball (3) Traps with one (4) Drops to take away long pass (5) Denies their 5 as the 2nd middle option This means that as one player moves, he pulls the imaginary string (which is attached to every defensive player) and therefore pulls the entire defense in that same direction. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Defense Zone 3 … The 2–3 zone defense is a defensive strategy used in basketball as an alternative to man-to-man defense.It is referred to as the 2–3 because of its formation on the court, which consists of two players at the front of the defense (closer to half court) and three players behind (closer to the team's basket). Release Date: Dec 14, 2016. Dimensions. Zone Defenses for Youth Basketball: Basics of the 2-3, 2-1-2, 1-3-1, 3-2 Defenses and More! Si la balle passe le milieu du terrain, on bascule sur défense demi avec les zones d'orientation 2. La défense de zone La défense de zone est une défense dans laquelle les joueurs ne se concentrent pas sur un seul adversaire, mais sur un espace ou une zone spécifique. Vai a. Sezioni di questa pagina. Youth Coaches : Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the long-term development of your players. 1. La difesa a zona 2-3 comprende due giocatori in prima linea, ciascuno vicino al rispettivo post alto: questi giocatori sono denominati “guardie” (1 e 2); due giocatori un passo fuori dall’area, conosciuti come “ali” (3 e 4) e un giocatore al centro del pitturato, il “centro” (5). 2-3 (2-1-2) Zone Basketball Defense. “Difesa a zona fronte dispari 3-2 e 1-3-1” Le difese a zona prevedono che il posizionamento dei difensori sia attuato in aree di competenza e che i difensori si muovano seguendo la palla, e secondariamente, il movimento degli attaccanti. ARTEM KOTOV. Tim Jankovich is the Southern Methodist University Associate Head Coach and former assistant coach for Bill Self. Similar. Rebounding—in man-to-man defense, defensive players know whom to "block out" if the shot misses, and an offensive rebound's attempted; each defender covers the individual offensive player they're assigned to personally defend. Prevede due giocatori in prima linea, ciascuno vicino al rispettivo post alto, di norma le guardie della squadra. Voici les zones prioritaires dans lesquelles il est important de diriger son PB. La tâche principale des 2 joueurs à l’avant est d’arrêter la progression du ballon en empêchant les joueurs adverses d’entrer dans la bouteille en dribblant. The 2–3 zone is a very effective defense when executed properly. - 1 passe à 3 qui est sorti en aile profonde (on cherche à faire aller le ballon dans les coins parce que la défense doit flotter au maximum, même s’il y a un risque de prise à 2); - quand 1 se décale en dribble, 5 monte au poste haut, puis lorsque 1 passe à 3, 5 descend au poste bas en demandant la balle. In this case, that would mean every defensive player shifting around 5 to 6 feet in the direction of the right wing and the player with the ball. La balle entre dans les 3 pts, zone prioritaire 3. n. 24/2007 R.P. The main reason for this is that the 3-2 zone hard denies the wings from the top of the key and forces the opposition to initiate offense with a skip pass to the corner or to play through the mid-range. Au basket-ball, si la défense « individuelle » est la plus usitée, notamment à haut niveau, il existe une multitude d’options, ... 2. The 2–1–2 concept is used when the other team runs cutters to break down the zone. Pubblicato il 25/02/2014 da admin. 2 grands systemes de defense:-systÈme zone et systÈme h à h. principes des defenses de zone • une zone, ... *une défense 0/6 aplatie *une défense 0/6 alignée • des dispositifs etages: *1/5 *1/2/3 *2/4 *3/3 *5/1. La zone 1 est l'objectif défensif n°1 puisque le retour en zone est sifflé à partir de U13. Les attaquants font circuler le ballon dans le but de faire travailler les déplacements des défenseurs. Youth Coaches : Even though, you CAN win more games, AVOID playing any type of zone defense, because it can teach bad habits and hinder the long-term development of your players. The core of the game is still the same: entire armies of enemies rush at your defenses, trying to destroy them by any means necessary. La zone, un recours fréquent. Welcome to the long-awaited sequel to the popular action/strategy game! The two players on the top of the zone are usually a team's guards, and they guard the zones closest to them on the perimeter and three-point arc. Defense Zone 3 HD. Zone Press 1/2 Terrain et 3/4 Terrain : zone 1-2-2, zone 2-2-1, zone 1-3-1. Zone Defense adalah strategi dan formasi bertahan dalam permainan bola basket. Its strengths can easily become its weaknesses, which include: Coach Don Casey & Ralph Pim, Own the Zone – Executing & attacking the zone defense, New York: McGraw Hill, 2008, p. 18, Coach Don Casey & Ralph Pim, Own the Zone – Executing & attacking the zone defense by Charlie Halford New York: McGraw Hill, 2008, p. 19, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics,,–3_zone_defense&oldid=977516037, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. As the ball moves throughout the court, every player should shift simultaneously in the direction of the ball. The top defender dropped back to form the 2–3 zone. Testata giornalistica registrata - Reg. PlayBook. Jeux de défense. The defense begins at the basket and radiates outwards—the idea is to force the offense to take shots from the perimeter and prevent access to the basket and surrounding area. If player 5 passes to 3 at corner, he then cuts to the ballside low post area to get the ball from 3 for a one-on-one to the hoop. When a player in the zone is shifting, that player should look to fill in gaps of space vacated by other shifting players and also guard offensive players in that space. The 2–3 essentially fills the middle of the court and is very effective at preventing penetration into the lane and heart of the defense, leaving the perimeter as an offense's most accessible option. Dans cette défensive l’arc de trois points est quand même bien couvert par les 2 joueurs à l’avant. Basketball Online Shop | Esplanade de La Défense (French pronunciation: [ɛsplanad də la defɑ̃s]) is a station on Paris Métro Line 1 on the outskirts of La Défense on the border of Courbevoie and Puteaux.. 249 Movimenti senza palla, 0046 - Replay - 4 contro 4 con difensore in recupero, 0042 - Contropiede e Transizione - 5c0 - 5c3 - 5c4 - 5c5, 0060 - Bowling - 4 contro 4 con difesa in recupero, 0059 - HIGH FIVE 3 contro 3 con recupero a tutto campo, 0058 - 4 contro 4 a colori con difesa in recupero, 0014 - 500 BasketBall Drills - Il tagliafuori, 0013 - Rimbalzo di attacco - da 1c1 al 5c5, 0038 - Esercizi dinamici di aiuto e recupero, 0037 - 1c1 difesa su uomo con palla - G.Consolini, 050 - Lo sviluppo dell'agilità nel basket, 049 - Migliorare la coordinazione e la rapidita, 047 - Circuito cardio per allenarsi da casa, 046 - Lo sviluppo della potenza aerobica di Marco Sist, Dispense dal Clinic Minibasket di Roma, 13 novembre 2012, Dispense dal Clinic Minibasket di Bracciano, 3-4 giugno 2011, 0059 - Giochiamo a minibasket a 9-10 anni (M. Mondoni - Pesaro), 0053 - Giochiamo a Minibasket a 10-11 anni in modo autonomo - P4, 0052 - Giochiamo a Minibasket a 10-11 anni in modo autonomo - P3. Le aree di competenza di una zona 2-3. Defense Zone 3 Ultra HD. This is probably the 2–3's most obvious Achilles' heel. Parte 2, 0005 - Attacco alla difesa Match-Up di Daniele Tardiolo. Si le ballon est attrapé ou sort des limites du terrain, alors inversion des rôles, Syracuse utilise beaucoup les prises à deux au poste bas avec cette défense, mais ça exige des joueur… The individuals that make up a 2–3 zone are often described as "being on a string." X3, X4, X5 rotation contraire ballon. Before we get into the particulars of the zone, I want to share with you the four crucial aspects of an effective zone. Quelques glissements défensifs spécifiques sont : Glissement de "l’organisateur" opposé à l'attaque en zone 2 Jim Boeheim a Syracuse ha vinto quasi 1.000 partite e ha costruito una carriera soprattutto insegnando e utilizzando la zona 2-3. Therefore, hypothetically defensive players have more time to catch their breath as a result. Attacco alla difesa a zona 2-3. Welcome to the long-awaited sequel to the popular action/strategy game! All Reviews: Mostly Positive (324) - 79% of the 324 user reviews for this game are positive. Offensive players closer to the basket take priority. Every game session is now even more dynamic and amazing. Every game session is now even more dynamic and amazing. In the same way, a team's forwards guard the sides of the zone and its center guards the lane and center of the defense. Home. The 3-2 matchup zone has a similar look to the 2-3 Zone but has a distinctive differrence in it's goal. Défenses Run and Jump et Run and Trap : principes communs, défense run and jump, défense run and trap, rotations défensives. This is the basic alignment of the 3-2. For example, if a player with the ball stood on the right wing (beyond the three-point arc), defensive players 1 and 2 would shift towards that direction. Slowing the game (Gibson)—Because the 2–3 often guards the interior of the court well, offenses generally pass the ball around the perimeter frequently before attempting to penetrate the defense or initiate an offense. Stunning detail of levels, in-depth gameplay, finely tuned balance. Forcing outside shots—it generally holds true that as players get further away from the basket, their chances of scoring decrease. So you may be able to put them into something they are less comfortable with. The defenders never move before the pass is made and the defender nearest to the ball should “defend” on the next pass. Because a zone defense is more complex than simply following one player always following his counterpart around the court, there is a higher probability that at least one defensive player will forget which opposing player he/she was assigned to guard. BASKETCOACH.NET. C’est une zone idéale pour contrer des forts dribbleurs et des équipes ne possédant pas d’intérieurs mobiles et ayant de bonnes mains. Principes généraux ZONE DEFENSE 2-3 Rotation générale sur le placement 2-3 de base. Also players exert somewhat less energy in a zone than in man-to-man since they often cover less ground while playing defense. par BasketCoach Principes généraux des défenses de zones a Un travail spécifique sous forme d’exercices peut-être également mis en place pour travailler plusparticulièrement les déplacements d’une ligne défensive ou les mouvements des défenseurs situés sur un même quart de terrain (utilisation de plots pour délimiter si nécessaire certaines zones du
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