39. There may be someone reading these lines who wishes he or she could gain victory over fornication or lusting or lying or stealing or using profanity. 17. Abraham would have possessed grounds for boasting. If he repents and repairs the harm, a brother has been gained. All sin has its source in Satan. This “sell,” this commercialization of spiritual principles, cannot be found among the patriarchs or the Prophets or Apostles. 12. 36. If the saint chooses to fight evil with evil he will be overcome. It appears that many—perhaps most—Christian people are not certain of the will of God for their lives. 6. But, one may ask, many Christian people live and die without ever having truly turned over their lives to Jesus. And rightly so, for it contains the ABC of the believer’s education. But how did God demonstrate His love toward us? If we choose to continue to obey sin we will die spiritually as a natural consequence—Christian or not. But now we have an alternate route to the Kingdom of God. Eternal life is the spiritual life that accompanies our acceptance by God and our union with God through Christ, just as warmth and light accompany the rising of the sun. The nations of the earth do not belong to Satan but to the Lord Jesus Christ. The reason we cannot understand or appreciate the love of God is that we have become unwilling to admit that God is capable of dreadful wrath. Notice that the true Jew is the individual who keeps God’s commandments. Paul carefully and ably shows we are saved by the righteousness of God in Christ and that we cannot add to this righteousness by striving to keep the Law of Moses. The true saint (holy one) is a diligent, conscientious worker because he always performs his responsibilities and tasks as to the Lord, whether he is working in the church or in the world. The only Person who possesses the authority to condemn us is making intercession on our behalf. As a result, Satan in them is speaking against the ways and people of the God of Heaven. 12. That he could stop by Rome on his way to Spain, and that after he had enjoyed the company of the saints in Rome they would help him forward on his journey to Spain. How can we be sure that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us? 46. The mythological view of eternal residence in Heaven as the goal of the Divine redemption may have originated in the Catholic churches and undoubtedly was due to the influence of Gnosticism, which teaches that matter is inherently evil and spirit is inherently good. What is true of the person who does not attain righteousness by keeping the works of the Law but who believes in God who justifies the ungodly? Nothing can harm one of God’s elect if that individual will continue to dwell in God through Christ. There are many such forward-looking passages, including Hebrews 9:28 (quoted above). God has sent the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from sin so we can enter His Kingdom. We can choose to serve sin. The Glory of the Lord is about to be born in the earth. There will be some who will not receive Christ as Lord of all. 29. Both are true. Then the power of deliverance in Christ will break the chains of sin and the Jews once again will dance and sing in the greatest joy before their Lord and King. To whom did Christ send Paul with the Gospel of God? Only He is the Kingdom of God. 6. Who were sending their greetings to the saints in Rome? They are eternal. We of today are being helped to gain deliverance from sin and also the authority and ability to govern the nations of saved peoples of the earth; just as the authority and ability to judge the tribes of Israel have been created in the Apostles of the Lamb. This is Christ, the Servant of the Lord, who is to come (Isaiah, Chapter 42). Here is the image of Christ. God found a way to remove condemnation from us. God has planted Christ in the believers and He expects to reap Christ in the believers. Again, God gave us the new covenant so we might exercise faith toward Himself. They often are cut off from the real world of moral behavior and from God’s readiness to bless the righteous and condemn the unrighteous whether or not they are Christians. Every aspect of our personality must become an eternal source of the flowing out of the resurrection life of Christ. 192). Righteous behavior must proceed from both the old covenant and the new covenant or else Divine judgment certainly shall follow. Amen. God’s power and Divinity can be witnessed on all sides in the created world. It is time for the Bride to awaken and enter union with the Bridegroom. It is because He is going to return both in and with us. Not a law requiring religious observances but a law requiring faith. If it is true that the same God makes righteous the circumcised Jews by faith and the uncircumcised Gentiles through faith, have we then made the Law of no effect? Our righteousness is result of our good deeds. 17. Now we are ready for a strong, conquering love of righteous behavior and a strong, conquering hatred of sin and disobedience to be developed in us—for Christ loves righteousness and hates wickedness. 20. Walk in love. Few books of the Bible are as important to believers as the Letter to the Romans. Therefore we say to God’s faithful saints, in the name of our Lord Jesus, the emphasis of the Holy Spirit today is on our coming to know the power of the resurrection of Jesus and on sharing His sufferings. 19. Therefore every tongue that will rise against us in judgment will be silenced. At one time we were able to test the spirits by asking them if Christ has come in the flesh or if Jesus is Lord of all. The above episode from the life of Samson is a symbolic portrayal of the Day of the Lord. How many are huddled in their trenches, like so many Israelites, while “Goliath” comes forth each day and mocks them and their Lord Jesus? All the energies of the universe are contributing toward bringing to pass what the Lord God of Heaven has stated concerning His chosen people. We are to turn our attention to coming to know the power of Christ’s resurrection, to sharing His sufferings, to being changed into His death, if by any means we may arrive at the resurrection that is from among the dead. 16. Such preaching is found throughout Paul’s Epistles. But the spirit, soul, and body that are without Christ are without eternal life. Interacting with God through faith produced in Paul the life lived in the power of Christ’s resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. 11. This is the False Prophet. “Whatever is not of faith is sin.”. They were careful to observe details of tradition but were ignoring justice, mercy, and faith. But he may nevertheless contract a venereal disease. God picks and chooses according to His own purposes in Christ. The Sinless bore the sentence of the sinful. God has given us His own righteousness, which we are to receive by faith. His likeness can come only from Himself. 7. 5. In any event, going to Heaven is not the goal toward which the numerous graces and gifts of God under the new covenant are directed. The Christian will not be held accountable for his behavior in the world. In almost every case, God will enable the Christian to keep all the laws made by man. At that time, authority and power will be issued to the saint so sin and death will retain no claim or hold on him in any manner whatever. To whom is Abraham the father of the circumcised? They found out that God did not deliver them, because their breaking of the laws of their land was not of God but proceeded from their own rebellious and sinful nature. You and I are part of what has been proclaimed in advance. This is an error. We realize from the above passage that Isaac was the result of Divine intervention in the lives of Abraham and Sarah and was the miraculous fulfillment of God’s Word. In fact, godly behavior is salvation. Why does God protect some people from making disastrous choices and permit other people to make those choices? The resurrection from among the dead is Christ. Manmade laws may obligate people who are ignorant of them, but it is not so with the Law of God. But if Christ is a covering for our wickedness, and God sees us only through the righteous Jesus, how can such grace be turned into immorality, seeing that grace covers our behavior? 8. The circumstances of their lives worked together so the spiritual message was illustrated. We are crucified to our ambitions and our ambitions are crucified to us. The Divine foreknowledge governs the decisions of God concerning the destiny of each individual. The resurrection life is in us now, waiting for the Father’s time to be exercised. If he is dead he is dead. 27. Who is the Stone of stumbling, the Rock of offence, that has been laid in Zion? If we truly are in Christ, a new creation is coming into view. Truly, it is “the kingdom and patience of Christ” (Revelation 1:9). Satan’s eternal home is the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. None of these people has been born as yet. 47. What will the uncircumcised Gentile, who is fulfilling the Law, be able to do? The Gentiles on receiving Christ were grafted onto the root of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. As our intelligent service of Divine worship. This is not what the Scriptures mean by “saved.”. He did not speak His own words, travel His own path, or perform His own works. However, much more is stated in the Scripture about salvation in the Day of the Lord than about our initial step of coming to God through Christ. It rises from the change from Law to grace, from leaving the Law of Moses and moving to the law of the Holy Spirit. Live, in Jesus’ name! Yes, he should because the rulers are servants of God, exercising diligent rulership in the responsibility God has given to them. In view of the long-standing Hebrew traditions governing eating and drinking, combined with the lack of such ordinances under the new covenant, it is not surprising that food and drink became a topic of concern in assemblies that contained both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus did it all. Under the new covenant Christ is with us and in us and we are with Him and in Him. The history of mankind has taken place within the boundaries of God’s purpose. Divine foreknowledge and election do not, if understood properly, cause passivity or a deadening sense of inevitability in the saint. They are filled with unrighteousness, with what is not upright, not merciful, not acceptable to their Creator: Fornication, wickedness, covetousness. We owe all that we are and possess to the almighty God. Whom did Christ strive always to please? Woe to anyone who continues to resist the voice of the Lord God! First of all, does being dead to sin mean we no longer experience any urge to sin or to follow our self-will? Romans 1:17 . Things that result in peace and that build up in spiritual strength our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are determined to please God. What is true of the person who, through the Holy Spirit, is serving Christ in righteous behavior, in Divine peace, and in spiritual joy? When a Christian sins he is to confess the sin to the Lord and repent of his conduct, receiving Divine grace to enable him to resist the devil in the future. Prefer that other Christians receive honor in place of himself. The fact that his body, being about a hundred years of age, was dead as far as bearing a son was concerned. The sentence of “not guilty” in the Day of Judgment. With the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. What, then, will certainly be true of those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness? Eternal life is a kind of life as biologic life is a kind of life. Denounce the sin as the filthy spirit that it is and turn away from it. Of what would one repent if God does not see his behavior except through Christ? He suffered the penalty Himself. There is a difference between the end result of the old covenant and the end result of the new covenant. Why is love the fulfillment of the Law of Moses? But if hatred, misery, unrest, impatience, harshness, selfishness, unbelief, hardness, lack of self-control are being revealed in our behavior we need to ask the Lord Jesus if the Spirit of God is abiding in us, whether or not we speak in tongues and exercise spiritual gifts. Consider: on marrying Joseph, Asenath became one with him according to God’s Word pertaining to marriage. It is interesting to note that the Israelites were given numerous laws and ordinances to follow, but seldom were they admonished to follow God’s personal will for their lives. Men and women have become vain and fruitless in their reasonings and their senseless hearts have become darkened. Read Isaiah 40:13,14. The Jews were supposed to approach the Law with faith, thus learning to walk in righteousness before the Lord. What was the calling of the believers in Rome? After that, our service to God will extend into eternity, and into realms we cannot know at this time. We receive His body and His blood as Divine Substance and Life within us. 19. Second, does being dead to sin mean no matter what we do our actions cannot be judged as sinful by the Lord God of Heaven? 6. Because the Gentile believers of Greece realized that the Kingdom of God is of the Jews and that the Greeks had shared in the “children’s bread,” the spiritual wealth that belongs to the Jews. No person can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him, giving him the desire to come to the Lord. The book of Romans is the fullest and most comprehensive statement of Christianity. As we stated previously, one of the principal hindrances to our ability to grasp the principles of the new covenant is that we understand the goal of salvation to be that of going to Heaven when we die. What had been true of the Christian people of Rome? Read the Book of Romans online. The Ten Commandments were given several hundred years later. “May it never be!”. In the deepest sense, even his obedience was the gift of the Lord. 8. Epenetus, beloved of Paul, the first person of Asia Minor to become a Christian. How are we to serve God under the new covenant? Therefore they cannot sin. The stone of stumbling, the rock of offence. Our new born-again nature takes its place in Christ at the right hand of the Father. Workbook on Romans Page #4 Bible Study Questions on the Book of Romans Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. Therefore being saved by grace does not mean godly behavior no longer is required of God’s chosen people, His elect. Romans 11:17,18 reveals to us that there is only one Israel, one called-out people, one elect of God, one Church. Declare that it has no part in the Kingdom of God. That God, who gives patience and comfort to His saints, would bring them into one mind in Christ; that in one accord, with one voice, they would glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The olive tree was with all the people of Israel until Isaiah proclaimed that God had chosen a remnant of Israel for His redemption. To attempt to manipulate the spirit realm by striving to “believe” is a soulish endeavor practiced by members of occult societies and religions. Eternal life is Christ. It is true in criminal law that once the accused is deceased the judge cannot sentence him to any punishment. The believer, even in the present evil, lawless hour, must look always to the Lord Jesus to ensure that he is cheerfully obeying all lawful government as unto the Lord. The present distortion of Paul’s teaching has destroyed the testimony and moral strength of the churches of our day. The goals of the people of the world are not our goals. The moment we receive Him He provides us with the power to choose not to sin. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. He must resist the devil the next time Satan attempts to destroy the loving unity of the members of the Body of Christ. All spirits—clean and unclean—have perpetual existence. The saint learns from the Lord to be subject to people who are in authority over him, whether in the church or in the world. Since God the Father has raised Christ from the dead the way is now clear for ascribed righteousness to flow to us as individuals. Christ is the end, the termination, the superseding, the completion, the goal, the consummation, of the Law of Moses bringing righteousness to everyone who believes in Him. What is needed is only time and a willing heart! 18. Romans 8:17-19 inform us that the resurrection Glory of Christ’s Presence, at His coming, will be revealed not only to us but in us and through us. On other occasions it is helpful—sometimes necessary—to get help from members of the Body of Christ. Confess aloud with your mouth to Jesus that you forever are His bondslave and that never again will you attempt to use Him as a source of spiritual power for your own ends. The love of God has filled his heart through the Holy Spirit who was given to him. 38. The moment anyone is born again of water and of the Spirit he enters the one Body of Christ, the heavenly Jerusalem, “which is the mother of us all” (Galatians 4:26). The Christian must be patient and look to God rather than attempt to grasp control of circumstances that are displeasing to him or that he thinks are unrighteous. The study of the Book of Romans has often proven to be a life-changing exercise. 16. Who has fulfilled the Law of Moses, the Ten Commandments? The first resurrection from the dead will be an open manifestation of the inner spiritual resurrection the Church has attained in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 3:2; Philippians 3:11; Revelation 20:4-6). How do we know this? Whenever we state that God knows in advance what each person will do we must temper this idea with the fact that God takes chances with people, putting them into situations where there is a possibility that His servant will fall. God gave to Abraham a promise concerning the Seed who would come from his own body and who would be multiplied as the stars of heaven. What is true of each person who is “in Christ”? 20. There was no basis of which we know for his being selected in this manner, other than the will and grace of God. The true saints of Christ are meek and teachable. 26. however, present-day theology perceives the goal of the new covenant to be that of gaining entrance to Heaven when we die. The believer in Christ commences his discipleship with a willing inner man and an unwilling body. In the future, the Holy Spirit will bring repentance to the entire nation of Israel, opening their eyes to Christ. Here is a powerful statement. We do this through faith as we pray, study the Scriptures, assemble with the saints, exercise our individual responsibility and ministry in the Kingdom of God, and press into all other aspects of the Christian discipleship. We are known by the fruit of holiness. However, as we pray the Lord Jesus will help us become the head and not the tail, meaning we will be in a position to give rather than having to borrow from others. It is also available as a .PDF file (revised and updated 6/1/14), suitable for printing (Click Here if you want the Student Edition (revised and updated 6/1/14), with the answers to the questions omitted). We are not to adopt an attitude of superiority toward the Israelites, the natural branches. The individual who is not walking according to the desires of his or her flesh and soul but according to the Spirit of God. We are part of the resurrection Glory of Christ. We need to keep this principle in mind. Even the memory of Satan, sin, rebellion, and death will be destroyed from the earth. For the first time in our life we are free to choose between behaving righteously and behaving sinfully. What resulted from one act of Divine righteousness? The first viewpoint is that Jesus saves us in our sins so we can go to Heaven. It means to have the Lord open our spiritual eyes to behold God’s Lamb who was slain for our sins. We are in agreement with this interpretation of Joseph and Asenath. “All Israel,” then, is speaking first of the previously blinded majority whom God will graft on the root of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They were able to “come to life” and dominate Paul’s consciousness. His coming is bound together with our spiritual development. From the condemnation of sin and the compelling power of sin. It is spiritual. Christ cannot return until the firstfruits of His Bride have been pressed into His death and into His resurrection. As part of the walk of victory the Spirit of God directs our attention to specific deeds of our body that are unclean. The law, the principle of spiritual darkness, the satanic, demonic desire to sin which keeps us from practicing the righteous conduct that we desire, and directs us to partake of the lusts and rebellions that are displeasing to almighty God. 17. You can order the paper lesson in various formats from your Adventist Book Center (Call 1-800-765-6955). There is an important concept here. Divine grace has been preached as an alternate road to the Kingdom of God. What is true if a believer considers some thing or some action to be unclean? We will slay the eternal Life that was given to us when we accepted the atonement made by Christ. Perhaps Paul is referring to the devout Jew who pursues righteousness with grim determination. The writings of Paul can be wrested to mean our continuing sinful conduct is a further opportunity for God’s grace and mercy to be revealed. 10. It appears that Paul sent his letter to the saints in Rome by the hand of Phoebe. How had the saints in Rome behaved before they had become Christians? Paul’s argument against mixing Moses with Christ must be seen from this standpoint; otherwise, Paul appears to be saying the grace of the new covenant can function apart from the formation of a new creation. Notice it is not OUR righteousness he is talking about. Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who served the Lord with them. There is a “sell” that accompanies the Gospel. “The just shall live by faith” is a foundational statement, a basic premise of the Kingdom of God. We are the continuation, the extension, the increase of the Revelation of the Glory of God that is Christ. What is true of Christ, now that He has been raised from the dead? Rather, it is true that after God justifies us we must go through the “wilderness” while God sanctifies us. If we choose to live according to the desires of our physical body we will forfeit these glorious opportunities of life and service. 38. Galatians 5:17 teaches us that the struggle of Romans, Chapter Seven is true of the Christian: For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so ye cannot do the things that ye would. Why were the Gentile Christians of Macedonia and Corinth glad to have the opportunity to assist the destitute Jewish Christians of the large church in Jerusalem, which was under the leadership of James and the other distinguished Apostles and elders? Let us practice evil behavior so good may be produced. I don’t know if that’s exactly true, but I can see how it could be. The royal priesthood, the judges of the nations of the earth, will be assigned to the thrones in the air previously occupied by the lords of darkness. Of whom is Adam a type, a figure, a foreshadowing? Christianity in the beginning was a Jewish religion and will once again be a Jewish religion when the Lord gathers His people from the ends of the earth. How does the offense of Adam differ from the gift that came by Christ? God has given us His Word, the body and blood of His Son, and the eternal, incorruptible resurrection Life of His Holy Spirit. John 15? 15. There are two ways in which a human being can live on the earth. The saints who assembled in the home of Priscilla and Aquila. Paul rejoiced over the strong, fruitful faith of the Christians in Rome. What authority or power is able to accuse one of the sons whom God has elected? 15. 10. The Lord Jesus will rule the creation in righteousness and we, as His coheirs, will govern with Him. So by their stumbling salvation should come to the Gentiles in order to provoke the Israelites to jealousy. Because of the stumbling of the Jews due to their blindness, the Divine redemption, which once was the exclusive property of the Jewish people, has come to a remnant of Gentiles. Can any human being become justified before God by performing the works of the Law of Moses? What did such receive within themselves? There is a free, printable 54-page study guide that will enhance and walk you through your study, and there’s commentary on the Behaving in such a manner that his actions, although practiced by himself in a holy, joyful attitude to the Lord, are a cause of grief and confusion to other Christians who have been taught that what he is doing is unrighteous and unholy. Christ is born in us. Paul was teaching that we are not saved by the Law of Moses but by the atonement made by Christ on the cross. We must temper this statement, however, by the fact that the present world is one great area of testing. There is an eternal union in which neither Christ nor God has lost His identity. We see, then, that God is building His own Kingdom. Was the first member of the Gentile church the Apostle Paul of the tribe of Benjamin? What a glorious answer to Paul’s cry, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”! He will lose his spiritual life. Paul’s point is that an Israelite—in terms of the prophecies and promises of the Scripture—is not merely an individual who descended from Abraham after the flesh, a natural descendant. Do not confess immorality to your wife or husband unless absolutely necessary because your confession may place a terrible and unnecessary load on your partner. The Christian not only is not to participate in the foulness that is filling the world, he is to refrain from thinking about it, talking about it, fretting about it. We should cast off the rebellion and hatred that is so prevalent in the earth today. 22. Who has resisted God’s purpose?”. Also, all of our religious accomplishments are loss for Christ if they have not been performed by His motivation, wisdom, and strength. That which is of the heart, a spiritual covenant, not just according to the letter of the Law. The disappointment is genuine. What should we do for our enemy if he is hungry? The safest procedure is to give up the questionable practice or thing until the Lord makes it plain that there is no problem. Freedom from condemnation and release from the slavery imposed by sin restore us to the state of innocence in which Adam and Eve began.
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