They inspire lovey dovey feelings when you look at them, that’s all. The rules of all roads are written in honey, roads paved in honey. Not like a polar bear, no. Our actions, merely meager reverberations of a long forgotten roar. Yes, Beesmas is a true delight. All done, good good. Not way down there, in others. Would it be any different if this were only a game? You all grow stronger together with every quest. Oh wow! Too friendly. Moon Sprouts always grant Moon Charms, that's right. Looks like it all went well out there. Collect 2,000,000,000 Pollen from the Pine Tree Forest. I know you're listening. Yes, yes they did get us through some rough times. (She gestures at your bees) Don't forget that one. You. No? Forgive me. We needed them for everything. That's the key to growing there. Over time, this process, I learned to harness it quite literally. Yes, Spirit Bear, blame your age. And there it goes. We're here now! We'd both somehow talk and talk, and nothing would be said. Look at me. These aren't for you! Those Red Bees, they really are a feisty bunch. You'll get 2 [Star Jellies] in that one. Ah that noise is awful. (Yawn) The things I wrote down in your Quest Menu, each one? Yes, with the whole speil [sic] on eternity and everything happening again and all. Tell me, did the Coconut Crab give you any trouble? He likes the tang. And all mysteries, and all magics - echoes of our own lives. I've got more [Ornaments] than I've got [Glitters]! They bring us joy and give us respite. And I wouldn't cry - I'd laugh. Oh, oh. To look around and realize that even though you're home, nothing will ever be the same. Spirit Bear, she needs her rest or she gets a little cranky. More than I probably need. We offer nature a helping hand, that both guides - and is guided. Stick Bug and I. Much better. Not literally - not for quite a while. Can you link up all of the delicious and delightful sweets in Candy Crush? We didn't? Us bears, we just can't get enough honey. How was it out there with Windy? Bit up by aphids. Collect 300,000,000 Pollen from the Pepper Patch. The Strawberry Field yeilds [sic] twice as many [Strawberries] as other red fields. Short, dark days. You play with that while I take a little nap... (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...berries... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). And if you slip up, even once, well The consequences can haunt you forever. To take in the beauty of nature. I already know what I think about it. I just made the cut! Who do they make these for? Donate 300 Pineapples to the Wind Shrine. (She claps her hands abruptly) Like a thunder CLAP! That sums it up. Sounds silly, no? But I love it so much, I even do it in my sleep... What am I even supposed to do about that? (She smiles at you bees) Yes, you. Donate 50 Royal Jellies to the Wind Shrine. You listening? Everything that lives and has lived. But I'm not talking about you. Not without destroying them! But what? ... You finished that quest already? Bop! come on back, in time. Why, why have I chosen wind related titles? Collect 180,000,000 Pollen from the Blue Flower Field. [Strawberries] and [Pineapple], they're sweet, not as sweet. No - not the [Pineapples], dear. You can't prove that I'm not. Windy Bee! I tell it, but it already knows. (She closes her eyes and rocks the [Magic Bean] back and forth) No bosses in nature. (Yawn) Ants don't get a pass! What's it matter, now. You know it was the same. No, not Valentine's Day, dear. There you are, dear. It wouldn't make any sense for me to watch someone else slave away up there. Collect 30,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Donate 500 Blueberries to the Wind Shrine. There you are, dear. RAAWHHR! Perhaps this conversation itself is what the shrine has always been. (She leans over and whispers the login credential on your ear) Got it? Mmhm. Oh, right. Anyways, what did I climb to get to the sky, you ask? Galentine’s Day? Put them into groups of three or more in this match 3 game. ... Ah, I remember. They know. Collect 80,000,000 Pollen from the Strawberry Field. Why do I give quests to beekeepers like you? That's probably the fastest way to get them, [Jelly Beans]. But I won't. If I didn't appreciate and care of it, Then I'd never realized how beautiful life can be Especially when the beauty you see, starts to rub off on others. It shook me to my core - To realize that just as much as she needed me, I needed her. I just had the strangest, strangest dream. There you are, dear. Let me give you some information about it so you have time to make a decision. They shouldn't. Oh, my quest? they're adequate. And it just won't stop. You are looking beautiful today! ... (She squints at the Wind Shrine) What? Or you can look it up, I'm not your boss. Yes, share those [Gumdrops]. Windy Bee, it never responded. That's a pleasant way to frame it. Collect 2,000,000,000 Pollen from the Blue Flower Field. Collect 700,000,000 Pollen from the Cactus Field. Evil bugs are attacking Neopian Protection Zone 6b, and we need your help! I do try to take of myself, though. He thinks he's my boss - no no, no bosses here. Sounds crazy, yes. Hmm... Why am I on about this? The bees, they pollinate. ... Fine. Yes, living up in the sky, watching the world below. Let’s take a look then. It won't be easy though, oh no! I think it's talking to itself, no, singing to itself. These [Coconuts] - another one of my imports, as you probably guessed. You're losing your miiiind! Complete 7 more quests, and I'll give you your first [Spirit Petal]. Similarly, the Pineapple Patch yields 7 times more [Pineapples]. I'm so forgetful. ...Whats [sic] that? Who knows! But it's not good for your skin, no no no. Spirit Bear is the second bear to require the completion of another bear's quest, the first being, Spirit Bear is the only quest giver that can summon. Collect 6,000,000,000 Pollen from the Coconut Field. Yes, it’s a lot of work almost everywhere But it's still a lot of work here. I sped through it all. You can't fight the rhythm, dear! Half of them aren't even real! (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...not...mine... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest? Finally, an appropriate time for my ramblings. Let's find out! Listen here, dear. Rhubarb. I've never been that impressed with art, statues; The beauty of nature shines so brightly that anything artificial pales in comparison. (She glares behind your shoulder) How long can this go on? And certainly the most beautiful, yes yes. Nothing at all. Galentine’s Day isn’t until February. A Bee Swarm Simulator without [Pineapples]? (She glares at the Wind Shrine). (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...too...rare... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). This is your final quest with me, for now. Just like my mother. If we didn't find it beautiful? Beekeeper, of course, but not like you. I can talk to these bees, you know. Enough badge talk. You need my guidance to reach the next level of beekeeping. But I never knew despair. In everything you see, you see your own hurt. And I woke up! GALEntines. After all this, you feel familiar with it? ... We all hurt in our own ways. I was 99th! Forgotten what put it there. That first sighting was just a glimpse. You and I, and the bears of the mountain. For you, though, there's a few not-so-ritualistic options. Yes, it can get quite messy. Ol' Stumpy give you any troubles? Whose quest? Pfft. I do, I do. Just be sure to double-check the go But let me tell you: if she doesn't get here soon, she's fired. Heheheh. Everything is fine. Of what? (She closes her eyes and smiles) Mmhmm... Just go to [sic] back to sleep you crazy old fool. Exceedingly. So I gave in. For 1... 2... 3 seconds. ... You LIKE that noise? It adds up over time. Although, now that I hear you say them, they do make some sense. Could it be that you actually believe me? Give you your rewards, and just stop talking. Well, I was quite proud in general. I'm talking about a figuritive [sic] way, but let's move on. Hmm? (Cough) Not here, at least. ... You, you know you really do look familiar. And I'm still healthy! But the quests work on you as you work on the quests. No more than 10 minutes of dancing a day. Collect 200,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. That's what I would say, if I never took responsibility for my own actions. Oh, come quick. Every seemingly simple person, well they're still worth understanding. More than I can remember. There's always a twist. What's wrong with just trying to look presentable? Not in the long run. Now, with that said... You're in the honeymaking [sic] business. Collect 2,400,000,000 Pollen from the Strawberry Field. And when they do, they leave something behind. Grown into a fine beekeeping team! There you are, dear. We strive, we grow, we do many things. (She glares at the eyes of each of your bees) Him. Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Right - why don't you give the Wind Shrine a try? I can. As I've gotten older. Not playing but watching. Hmm... What other things, about Sprouts... Give me a second, dear. Now, this is not a guaranteed thing. Quests will come to you and you'll take them how you will. Collect 5,000,000,000 Pollen from the Pepper Patch. Older than most things here - older than me! Why do you talk to bears like me? How much could it have possibly taken? What I know to be beautiful. It was something other entirely when I was young. Is what you do it is because you do it? Up on the mountain top? Collect 1,000,000,000 Pollen from the Stump Field. You call this retired, Spirit Bear? Very important, yes. I suppose nobody would talk bad about the mountain to me. I knew dread. To consent to the use of Cookies and proceed to the site, click Accept below. ... Quest? So indecisive sometimes, my biggest weakness. Of course you are! The last one before your final [Spirit Petal]. And your bees too! You've got to understand something about me, dear: If you're hoping for a purpose to my rambling, you're hopeless! Never felt it because I always sensed it coming ahead of time. Don't get me wrong! ... Hmm... ... (She looks very confused) I could have sworn that was... Oh... Oh goodness... (She presses a card) W-wha? But reserved, mmhmm. They anchor us to the past, while keeping us looking forward to the future. (Sigh) What's it matter. And for what? I mean, don't we do this all the time? You know, at your age, I wouldn't have. I suggest planting [Magic Beans] in the Pepper Patch. No, nothing to see here. Who are we? Forest, mountains, seasides... [sic] Not deserts, no. Could be unfair to the others. Only a fool would believe in magic! But it also acts as the means of obtaining a [Windy Bee Egg]. But keep it a secret! And she was right. Eh, what's it matter. They wouldn't talk bad about my hometown in front of me, oh no. Always up to date with the latest patch. We appreciate all bees - their variety of traits, talents and hinderences... [sic] Reveal to us the benefits and strengths of all others. Full of potential, without a clue as to where we're going, and what we'll become. His nymphs, they eat the leaves. (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). How many times will it happen again? Scaled their tallest peaks! Anyways, moving on. Wait, don't tell me. They are YOUR rules. Certainly? Do you get what I'm trying to say, dear? It doesn't know we're watching, heheh. Look at where we are. ... Well stop it. Alone, each badge doesn't offer much, but they work together. Hmm? For example, if a game's NP Ratio is 1 NP per 10 points, then that means you'll get 1,000 NP for scoring 10,000 points in the game. ... Huh? Well, not half. It's gone! Those petals, I mean. They're familiar faces. Cut it out! There are many worlds with many rules. You've all grown so much since I first saw you. What fun would it be to blow right through you without any resistance at all? Don't grasp it - behold it. You don't need Robux for 50 [Tickets], don't even try me like that. A silly phrase! But even that's not enough, oh no. One of my rarest! But what's that? I just need a sounding board. An Instant Converter. We've always had that in common. I saw the reason in it. Heh hee. Maybe, more importantly, it can be used to extend Field Boosts, Like those you get from [Field Dice]. And even those are more durable than the thoughts in your head. (She points to her Quest Menu) Look how far you've come. Cookies are also used by us, advertisers, ad-tech providers and others to develop and serve ads that are more relevant to your interests. But she had to be! [Spirit Petal]? How does it work? What? Collect 20,000,000 Goo from White Flowers. I care more than anymore about nature! I'm not mad at you. But when I reached inside, there was no food! The dancing. (She takes some dried petals out of her [Petal Belt]) I'll give you something to laugh about. Scared me to death! Chasing challenges - to earn the bee's trust. But you can also use it to activate a chance to obtain Windy Bee. Good! Not for me, dear, no. Heheh. Now - now I take it so. What have we learned today: don't think too much about anything! Hah! Oh! We pull and pry, dig and water. Who knows! I've been on boats, and in planes. THERE ARE NO BOSSES HERE. All I can remember is that there were more than I can remember! For now, at least. Good! Are some bees just better than the others? I never used to feel that way. Didn't get my neopoints. ), (Yawn) I didn't order any [Night Bells]! Tell me, what would be the point of it all? Your Roblox profile, in the website address of your profile, at the end. She wasn't in tune with the magic of nature, thus she never knew what they needed. Oh good. (Cough) I planted the sunflowers, many more than you see today. Until, it all made sense. Anything so grand, so imposing... That you can't deny it. Are you sure? ), (Yawn) You can't stay in that tunnel forever! [Glitter] boosts pollen in a field you're standing in by 100%! (She leans over to you and whispers very quickly:) ...magic... Hah! But has he left? Well anyways [sic], the other day, I saw Brown Bear at the Wind Shrine. I start to feel it again. Why am I bringing this up? What do I do? An avalanche, of snow. why why why? My sister hates rhubarb, and Stick Bug won't eat something that's so, Well it looks a stick, basically. And I meditate. Donate 10 Blue Extracts to the Wind Shrine. Oh, you're too kind. Hmm... Well, what's it matter. We need those hearts on the Shrine, dear. Mr. Lid-loosener himself, up there. Perhaps that's more than an echo. (Cough) Excuse me, dear. Oh! The Collector's Edition costs $80. But I admit, it can get a little hectic up there. But not unobtainably [sic] so. She holds a Petal Wand and wears a Petal Belt. Oh, here I go again. (She shows the menu to you) (It isn't her Quest Menu, it's the Shop Menu) It wants me to buy these things, with Robux. Their world (She looks over at your bees) It's rather gentle, relatively. (She looks over at the Wind Shrine) What is that noise? This doesn't work for everybody. Why'd you blow this one on over to me? Your bees.. no, no they don't look that familiar. Sometimes it just wants something to push up against. Feel that gentle breeze. (She tosses the [Glitter] into the air) Nobody knows! Test your luck with a [Cloud Vial]. Now, go out there and try your best. That we don't - don't get out much. I just kept going - I'm still going. Wealth comes when it comes. lovely day. It's not all good you know. And you're not the only one. In total, the player can obtain three, one for the Wind Shrine (to get the Windy Bee or a Star Treat if the player already has obtained a Windy Bee), another for the Petal Wand, and another for the Petal Belt. What's gotten into you! Not even the sky's the limit when you put it all together. Almost certainly nobody has a record of its origins. Nobody knows... but me.. (She appears to fall asleep) (You begin to walk away) Wait wait. Wanting, striving, growing, all together as a team. Something I read about in magazine. A bit... softer, creamier. And just a little of my magic goes a long way in gardening. Spirit Bear need a little quiet time... ...(She appears to have fallen asleep)... (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...sticky ...stubborn... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). A flower who can talk! And who know, maybe the Galentine's Shrine will help you find a little sweetheart of your own! I'm still happy to see you, though! And believe me, I tried to warn them. Profoundly clever - the things nature can do. Yes? Security! Forgotten what it meant. Anyways, why am I on about this? Much nicer than when I do it myself. Maybe these weren't hard enough. Oh! Why would you bother collecting it if it had no meaning? Over time, slowly but surely, you'll win the bee over. There you are, dear. (Somehow she's standing in her sleep) ...sister...silly... (Why not let her rest while you complete her quest?). It looks a bit like, hmm. You did the things I asked? And I did. As a cub, I didn't have many friends. Is it you? There you are dear. We all work as a team. ... Well, that's not true. Put it in perspective while your mind is still forming. Match Masters, the game, play it for free and online on and discover many other amazing Match 3 we have picked for you. I think I have it written down. ...(The petals blow away into the fields)... Look, one's stuck to Black Bear's head. Can you believe it? But I’ve always been facinated [sic] by the shrine. They're gardeners too. Over time, we've all seemed to shrink a bit. I saw it on the news. If it ever stops getting harder, that's when you really ought to be concerned. Mm... ... Have I told you about how Windy Bee and I met? Oh, and it looks marvelous! But White Boosts are hard to come by... Well, not for you, Windy Bee. Yes, after a good nap, the beauty in everything seems to hop out at you. What do you see? You bees, yes you. You're almost there. Oh? The optimization goal of PSO was conjugate matching and in consequence the maximization of read range. Now she was a true rambler! Collect 150,000,000 Pollen from the Rose Field. Spent a pretty penny grinding those matches out. Not quite that quite that many, but still. Collect 6,000,000,000 Pollen from the Pepper Patch. it gets easier, though. Please, you don't want to end up like Spirit Bear. But what's done is done. Now, Stick Bug always danced. What's it all for? Nevermind, I'll give them to you in a second. You could list the fields, if you tried. (She bops you on the head with her [Petal Wand]) Mmm, yes, yes. Well, we can't make you go. That would be like never going anywhere at all! What set me apart were my intuitions. Hmm... maybe I wouldn't remember all the details. He said to me "Panda Bear is bringing the food." I've given these same quests out to hundreds, thousands before you. Rotherham's match against Derby has been postponed for the second time following heavy snowfall at the New York Stadium, as Derby miss out on chance to win fourth-straight match