Unfortunately UPS was also delivering some wine to me during that time, the result is because the wine requires an adult 21 or over to be present for signature they did not leave the Scythe package. So I what I ended up doing is letting the animals impact some of the mech and faction powers, as well as incorporating them thematically into the encounter cards. But no more Legacy games. They seem to be a bit snug around the cards and cause a tiny bit of bend. […]. Incredible. Will definitely play again. That information (down to the minute) is on the page, right above the video. Hi Edward & Kumi! Reading your book Jamey and checking this out. I apologize if this rambled a bit…I guess when something really means a lot to you, it’s hard to express that in a coherent way. Thanks, Joe. I have watched Rodney SMITH’s rule explanation video and i stopped to watch it after the setup, telling myself that it wasn’t a game for me. Then 8 others cards I dont see listed but that seems related to automa, with a grey background. We have a game group that meets every month, so we’re just happy we’ll get to play soon! We’re making more board extensions, so you can request them from your local retailer in a few months. Looking forward to a quiet game of Scythe after the intense weekend of Halloween antics. I have completed the form and the game will go on. It will help them understand how the game plays with its actions. Thanks. I’m always happy to hear when someone enjoys my games (especially two games that are so different, like Charterstone and Scythe). AxYiannis: You can do what you’re describing in Scythe, as you can take all of your combat cards into your hand and pretend to put one behind your power dial. Second, I am interested to know if you have explored any team-play rules with Scythe. I hope nonetheless that some house rules or expansions will change that a bit. Will the premium and collectors edition of Scythe also be available at Essen Spiel 2016? We’re slowly accumulating more encounter promo cards (see notes near the top of this page about them). Those are the dates when retailers are estimated to receive the next print run. I bought a copy a month ago, and so far, it is great! Hi Jamey, I wasn’t able to be home for the delivery so i requested the package be left at my door, left the signature and everything. Jumped the gun and placed the order last night. But we’re not going to do it. Everything listed on the webpage above–all accessories and promos. Will the Feuerland expension Invaders from Afar be combinable with the basic game by Morning Players? With a little help, he won. Later printings of the base game and extra Automa decks have the replacement cards instead of the original ones, so your decks might already have the replacement. It is a conflict simulation in an alternative timeline after the first world war where fictional countries expand their influence by using shared and unique abilities. Very excited for the Kickstarter. Consider my marbles lost! Things aren't always what they seem. Though that would be cool! When roughly are we going to be seeing the modular map(s)? I see some sites advertising a preorder for the collectors edition but description is vague. I love the tracks and the 4x format, and I don’t know of any game that does it this well. The expansion and the base game won’t be sold together. Been waiting for this for MONTHS! It will be released in August 2017 in those languages. Art book: $30 Fantastic customer service. https://stonemaiergames.com/games/scythe/metal-mechs/ They’ll be back in stock later this year–just enter your e-mail on the back-in-stock form to get a notification when they’re ready. I struggle to understand why there is no incentive to target stronger opponents on the board. It’ll be available soon in our UK fulfillment center in a few months. Expansions are welcome, the more the merrier. During KS the art Connoisseur edition was $120, and core game was included! Even with Industry care removed they very powerful. What would I need to purchase in order to essentially have everything that was in the collectors edition? Also other then Meeplesource, will we be able to but it from other sources ? I’m happy to bring a copy to your group to play sometime when it’s ready. I will enjoy with it!! Thanks James! I don’t think Steam has anything to do with your site? So it could be sayin; Trade with 2 Worker (instead of one like every other playmat says). I really wish there were more alternative eastern factions in it like Austro-Hungary; Romania; Finland, maybe even Turkey or balkan nations. :), Sweet I’m super excited, I can’t believe how quickly you respond to everyone. Is there a ETA on when we could maybe see it (in 2019?)? ONE YEAR AGO: I just played my third game of Scythe. I’m trying to preorder the retail game and promo cards on the trycelery page, but it stays stuck on the shipping info and even though the URL changes to “/payment?” the page itself stays on the shipping address. You can also buy Scythe accessories from those retailers, which will make your version of Scythe the same as the premium or Collector’s Edition. The games and accessories are in stores (and more are arriving this week and next week). The changes are really, really subtle, like small clarifications in the rules, strengthening of the miniatures, and one little slash on a player mat that needed to be highlighted better. Instead, we offer an ala carte version so people can choose exactly what they want based on their desires and budget. Or is it too complicated to learn? Philibert probably ordered their games from Morning Players (in which case they should have them any day now) or Esdevium (in which case they should have them in about 2 weeks). That’s very nice of you to say, and I’m glad you’ve had fun with Scythe. Pete: Sure, it’s currently available for pre-order (https://shop-staging.trycelery.com/page/scythe), and you’ll continue to be able to order it as long as we have copies in stock. Hi Mr. Stegmaier. While those expansions won’t fit in the box, they won’t negate the utility of fancy inserts. They are included in the Rise of Fenris box itself. It depends on when production is complete, how freight shipping goes, and how fast fulfillment centers can process them, but we’re currently looking at mid-January. Anyway, I’m really enjoying the Fenris campaign! Will there be a expansion for the scythe app. Shak: Thanks for your question. We ship via USPS. 1. I’d recommend Between Two Cities or Wingspan, though. I’m just at the computer a lot. Or do I have to buy the game and then the metal coin add-on? I’m still plowing through it, trying to figure out the rules and such. One of the hallmarks of your company, and of you personally, is your level of interaction with your public that makes people feel seen. Is the automa Deck aviable in italian ? A themed kickstarter card here and there is fine, but (again), 1/3 of the cards is too much. So you can only retreat to adjacent lakes, but otherwise you’re correct. Im looking to upgrade my scythe game. Really sad about it, wanted to play over christmas. Later it will be some kind of russian-language pack file here at https://stonemaiergames.com/ to download? I see that you have just announced the new expansion, the Wind Gambit and I have read some more about on Boargamegeek and I would like to echo a suggestion for the design of the ship miniatures. :). I’m not quite sure why that is, because we’ve sold that entire run to distributors. We’re on a Scythe thread here, so I’m talking about Scythe. thanks in advance. This is useful for the goal of creating … Will we be able to buy it from this site, or will there be other retailers we should buy it from? I kindly ask if there is any vain hope of seeing a new expansion with the eighth player mat and a faction mat (Fenris or Vesna) readjusted for a skirmish on the modular board. Are these the same collectors edition that was on kickstarter so if we preorder these the content will be the same? The $5 are indeed much thicker than the $10 by comparison (~12% difference). There’s a chart on this page that breaks down each version of the game: https://stonemaiergames.com/games/scythe/. :D, Stevie: Thanks for your note! As for the game board extension is there a retailer at which we can Pre-order? Kiran: Yes, the only version they appear to still have among our stock of Scythe is the special edition. I would buy the base game and all expansions if that combo happened! I’ve signed up for your system of Stonemaier ambassador, if there is a possibility to translate into Spanish, test the game or take an overview of Scyther. Jamey, have a great day, and thank you for all you do. For example in my first two or three upgrades ill usually pick the one allowing me to move another mech usually. Is there any plan to have this game in Spanish? That hurts. Am i missing some part of strategy or some actions that give more sense of the “attempting to restore … honor and lead … faction to power” that the description of the game (above) mentions? A lot of engine building, and then that engine is ready to go, but then the game ends in adding up the “best engine”… Feels like there wants to be more of a goal ON THE BOARD…. I was wondering if there were any plans on making a metal version of the $50 denomination? Thanks again for any help. What works in real life doesn’t always work in a game. I especially love that there isn’t a hard turn limit, so I never felt rushed into taking a move that wasn’t what I wanted to do. Will you do a reprint of Invaders of Afar ? On another note, I have detected a small inconvenience as regards the battle-dial. Any way at all to pre-order to avoid missing out again? David: I recently heard from someone in Australia that they found a retailer that still had some first-printing retail copies of Scythe, so you might check around just in case you can get one. I never heard about the kickstarter campaign. – A cheap update pack from 1.0 to 2.0. I see the game and coins available for sale a few places, but can’t find the board. I can’t find board game extensions any where. I have no problem playing it three times, one right after the other. Paolo: Any retailer in the world can get the metal coins from a distributor. There was an epic turn in which my brother held large swaths of land, including the factory and was poised to end the game any moment. Then, i friend of mine propose me to play it instead of our usual games and i said now because of what i wrote above + because of the hype (with time and experience, i am very cautious). 2. A respectable company wouldn’t have blamed you the way they did Is there any rule that we missed allowing the a player to draw objective cards during a game? :), Thanks, Jamey. Hi, would you consider putting together & offering something like ‘Invaders from Afar – Collector’s Edition’? :). :-(. Thanks, Jamey! I understand, and I appreciate your desire to get all the things. Please check back here in a few minutes. Thanks for the reply. Thanks, Judy. 1: ~1.87mm. Hi Alex! 2. Thank you for your creativity and work, and for helping to develop the world of board games in Russia. I am so hyped by all the videos out there… can’t wait! Just backed two cities a few days ago and can’t wait to back this one. Does these ever will produce for international shipping? All of our ala carte items are shipped from St. Louis, but nothing else is. Ken: Yes, they’re dual layered boards, and they’re in every copy of the game. thank. I would be fine with buying the contents separately but I haven’t even been able to find a copy of the base version of the game anywhere. Will it work with the base game? Thanks for supporting Scythe! This is going on my games to watch in 2015 list. :). Even if your opponent is an old hand at playing the Polonia Republic, won’t be able to bank on their experience with its modernized army to win. Those are the two expansion factions. One neat thing I like in it are those unique mats that have designated spots for all the player items; faction mat, player mat, secret objectives, factory card spot, etc, and the corners have artwork of the faction leader. Tous les décès depuis 1970, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département, commune, prénom et nom de famille ! ( Sorry if the question already been answered. The current supply is in distribution, so they should be available somewhere. Jason: If you have a lost, missing, or broken piece, it’s our responsibility to replace it for free: https://stonemaiergames.com/replacement-parts/, If you’re looking to purchase spare pieces for other uses, sometimes we can do that (depending on how badly we need those pieces for replacement parts). However, The Wind Gambit expansion for Scythe does make it easier and faster to spread out and encounter opponents. “answered in detail on this page” => what page? Is the map Europe, or a from-scratch fantasy landscape? Nothing works. Oh my… that was a very fast reply! I was wondering if there would be international retail games (French) in the upcoming January reprint ? Indeed it is! No retailers are offering the game board extension (yet), but it would help if one could pre-order stuff… Just wanted that recorded somewhere! Optionally, if you’re so inclined, you can pay for postage (my helpers will tell you how), as the postage fee for shipping a board is quite expensive. Clint: Wow, thank you! Olga: You’ll purchase these items from your retailer of choice (retailers buy from distributors who buy from us). Can replacement pieces be purchased… such as structures, upgrade cubes and such? Having payed 85 euros for a damaged game, i got frustrated and answered this: Sorry Mr. Stone, but I did not pay 85⬠for DIY constructions. Hello, Our meetup group would love to play test too when it’s ready. Searched a little bit everywhere to buy the premium features with fair shipping to europe. I was under the assumption/impression that nothing I say would be able to change the system and improve my ability (and others in the same situation & viewpoint) to acquire a full* copy of your game without jumping through several hoops and overpaying** for what we are getting. Please reprint the book, there’s so many artists who would love to have a copy! Thanks! Thanks for your suggestions, but we don’t have any plans for more expansions, even small ones. I love the idea of battle mechs. https://stonemaiergames.com/about/replacement-parts/. Philippe: The metal we use for metal components is zinc (lead is dangerous). The components are detailed on this page: https://stonemaiergames.com/buy-scythe/, Everything from the box, rule book, player mats, map, miniatures, wooden components, cards Q2?Q3? Any word on new release date since everyone is out of stock? If yes, what quality? Probably the best chance to win Scythe is the ability to adapt an economic optimization strategy … Is it possible to get another pack of them? Scythe Saxony Strategy: Mechs, Mechs, and More Mechs. Nothing will be limited as long as we have demand to make more. sascha. Or should I see with the French distributor? We played this last night for the first time. Thanks I appreciate your response and will check out the list. I missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, but I’ve truly enjoyed playing Scythe with some friend the last 2 months. Where can i get the 2 Power dials from basic game that aren´t in promo pack #5. I’m interested in a full set of metal mechs if you make new ones. Also I don’t see it listed but the metal coin replace the cardboard or should I find the cardboard coin in my collector box ? Simon: For any German components, please contact the German publisher, Morning Players. We actually tried to do that in playtesting–at one point, mech abilities were separate from character abilities. I will get those items and just wait for the dust to settle. :). So there are a lot of links on this page and I’m confused where to go if I want to buy retail scythe. For an accurate answer, Philibert needs to contact their distributor. I am Polish and a lot of my friends have difficulties with English language. And am I right in understanding that Scythe will be available to purchase Oct. 20? :) I’ll announce it on the e-newsletter when they’re available. just offer a special set with all of them as well, for ease (and maybe a bit of saving). It all looks awesome. The list is here: https://stonemaiergames.com/retailer-locator/. The difference is that we’ve made small adjustments to the mould for the miniatures overtime to increase the durability and detail of the miniatures. Retailers will get a restock of Scythe in late May. @David, where did you find the realistic resource tokens if you don’t mind me asking? I had found out in this website, there is some multi language rules books for players like us from other region to download, but for Scythe Quick Reference Guide – Chinese many missing wording, will anyone plan to amend that?? Hello Jamey, I just bought the game and I love it, so I’m looking to get all the extra stuff. You guys are awesome! Right, but for balance purposes, isnât it a disadvantage to play as Fenris from the Nordic Kingdom base considering they do not have access to a village without being able to cross rivers, whereas all other faction bases have a village within âwalkingâ distance? David: Sure, if you’d like a replacement for your board, please fill out the replacement parts form. Good morning, Thanks for your thoughts! Iâm looking for something but everything what I found is in USA. I am in Canada and am looking for a replacement base game board or a neoprene playmat without having to replace the whole game. Thanks John! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for important updates and limited offers. “The only version of Scythe we now make is the retail version, and we will make the various accessories separately.”. I love Scythe. Here’s our future printing request form, which we use to gauge demand: https://goo.gl/forms/WLuEHHZrLIurtDt92. By chance I find a retailer with kickstarter collector’s edition and the art book available for France. Hi Jesper! Thanks David! Thank you for this game! I’m glad you like it, Mark! Perhaps I think you guys should add this to “Unofficial Variants” by doing the first column for 1st combat win and second column for 2nd combat win per episode (two combat wins per row per episode). I am not sure who to contact? Really would like to buy a la carte from Celery but 40$ shipping to Canada for accessories is absurd. So it wont be reprinted? Ok thanks for your quick reply. Is it possible to get a replacement copy of these rules? i just bought a copy. Even without those extra features, this game is absolutely superb. Posted by John Martorana. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you thank you for doing that, and making me feel seen and heard. Hi Jamey, I have mistakenly posted my photo on to scythe’s page if they are still there can you please delete them, since I been deleted on that group. ⢠Tiger: 711C You can subscribe to that to the right below this comment. Look forward to adding the promo stuff to my collection! Will it be available in English only first? Wow that was quick! The map is static, but if you’d like to know how the story of this area changes over time, I’d recommend reading the backstory in the rulebook for The Rise of Fenris. How about a few treasure chest or something (with hundred different variants of content) to spread out on board by using randomizer cards to place them — whoever choose to uncovers it, gets either a reward, a surprise, gains/losses, etc.