Enter the last name of an author and the first initial for the broadest search. The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes among similar names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping all of the documents written by that author. To view an author's profile, click on the name in the authors field on the results screen. The default search field in a document search is "Article title, Abstract, and Keywords." All rights reserved. Metrics are embedded throughout Scopus at the journal, article and author levels. Each of the words would hyperlink to their corresponding tabs in the author output page. How do I view information about an author's co-authors? Click a Topic or an Author docments number to open the topic overview. Scopus uniquely combines a comprehensive, curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly content. See the video on the ORCID page to find out how to connect your ORCID and Scopus Author ID. ... From the Author search page, perform a new search. In order to go to the author details page click on "Hawking, Stephen". When your user profile is linked to its unique ORCID, viewers can see the link to that ORCID on the Author details page or search for your profile using that number. PDF page proofs will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author for checking. Scopus' author details page gives many bibliometric details including the number of publications, the number of citations, and the h-index. Given the millions of articles published each year, chances are high that you will not get a unique result when you enter the author's name. Its major task is to index and track academic periodicals of various subjects and to record citation from one or another source. No last name was entered. Scopus powers better decision-making with curated, complete and connected data. The h-index is based on the highest number of papers included that have had at least the same number of citations. For more information about requesting author detail changes, see How do I request changes to author details? To decline or learn more, visit our Cookies page. Click the 'Preprints' tab to view a list of Preprint documents. The h-graph where the h-index is the incision point of the two lines. If they have an ORCID ID you can search for that. A preprint is a non-peer reviewed publication that precedes publication in a peer-reviewed journal. View the terms and conditions of Elsevier (opens in a new window). Any pending input will be lost. Review and update an author profile. Click 'Edit profile' to launch the Author Feedback Wizard. To check your Scopus Author profile, visit the Scopus website (available when using the University’s IP range or via the VPN) or use the free to access preview version if your institution does not subscribe to Scopus).. For more information, see How do I use the Author Feedback Wizard? Make sure you get full access once you've left your institution. 14th Aug, 2020. Select one or more names from the list of results, based on affiliation, subject area and location. The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes between these names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping together all of the documents written by that author. Enter the last name of an author and the first initial for the broadest search. The author search helps you find documents written by a specific person in Scopus, even if the author is listed differently. Despite larger unique publications in Scopus, there is no difference shown in the Spearman correlation coefficient between WoS and Scopus … For more details about the data for a year, move your cursor over the data point. You can request corrections if you see an error with an author’s profile using the Author Feedback Wizard. Appears only for authors having more than 1 year of data. Click search. The h-graph tab is opened with the author's calculated h-index. You can add your author profile details to ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) by clicking 'Connect to ORCID'. Click 'Export profile to SciVal' to export information from the author details page to SciVal. How do I use the Analyze Author Output function? Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy, Cookies are used by this site. This concludes our tutorial for conducting an author search and using author search results. These metrics also provide enhanced views of research areas and help build valuable insights. When viewing the Cited by Documents tab, you have the option to create an email alert notifying you when another document cites an author’s work. A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus. For more information, see How do I view information about who an author has been cited by? Powerful algorithmic data-processing groups papers to an individual's profile with a high degree of accuracy based on matching of name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations, and co-authors. This graph provides a quick way to see the recent productivity of an author. Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature. It places powerful discovery and analytics tools in the hands of researchers, librarians, institutional research managers and funders. The Search results page opens. Quickly find relevant and trusted research, identify experts, and access reliable data, metrics, and analytical tools for confident research strategy decisions – all from one database and one subscription. The Analyze author output page provides a visual graph of document, h-index, citations, co-author information, and other functions. The author page lists all the author’s documents and is the default tab when you open up the author page. Please turn on JavaScript to continue. For more information, see How do I create a group of authors? Two parameters The ... Scopus author ID (P1153) (see } {{AcademicSearch}} {} This page was last edited on 6 September 2018, at 19:37 (UTC). You have the option to create an email alert to be notified when Scopus publishes new documents by an author or to notify you when another document cites an author’s work. 1) From the document search results or document list pages, select one or several documents and click on Download button or 2) From a Scopus abstract record page, click on Download button When successfully downloaded, your PDF document(s) will be saved to your browser Downloads folder. Tras clicar en "Show all author info", variantes del nombre, información histórica sobre las filiaciones y áreas de investigación, así como número de identificación (Author ID) y enlace a … It is important for them to offer concise and detailed analysis of how an author has impacted their field of study. A topic is a collection of documents with a common interest and is clustered based upon direct citation analysis using document reference lists. For more information, see How do I add a document to a list? For more information, see How do I create, edit and delete alerts? Select the 'Topics' tab to view an author's associated topics. Click on an author’s name to open the Author details page. This is vital for any researcher beginning a new research project that they are … Go to the a author feedback page, support hub, and Scopus content... and add a correction and chose the subject as missing citation or missing document. Click on a source title to open the Source details page. Viewing author details. Post-production corrections Complete the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard to provide feedback or report errors. The application has helped more than 28,500 researchers create their ORCIDs, and between … The author profile includes information about the author, including affiliation, number of documents, number of citations, and publication history. We currently only support the Latin alphabet (a-z), numbers, and some characters (for example . For more information, see How do I create and use a citation overview? Scopus Author ID is a unique 11-digit identifier automatically assigned by Elsevier in its ScienceDirect and Scopus products. Select the desired criteria to refine the list. This will show similar profiles, based on the criteria you are searching for. To post social content, you must have a display name. Choose the ‘Author Search’ tab from the Search menu and enter your details. Select the "Author Search" tab on the Scopus search page. In the Scopus database, select the Authors button to get to the author search page. All of these metrics are designed to help facilitate the evaluation of authors, journals and articles. The Author details page provides the author name, associated affiliations, Scopus Author ID information, and other name formats. Despite the sophistication of the algorithmic profiling used by Scopus, algorithms cannot always match all documents to a single profile with 100% accuracy. For example, an author may appear as Lewis, M.; Lewis, M. J.; and Lewis, Michael in different publications, or there may be two authors named John Smith. 1 Recommendation. For more information on conducting an author search or reviewing author search results, see the Scopus Help. ... Searching for authors . Preprints do not affect existing publication and citation metrics in Scopus. If you require assistance, please scroll down and use one of the contact options to get in touch. Select one or more names from the list of results, based on affiliation, subject area and location. The Document & citations trends graph is a summary graph displaying an author’s publications and total citations on an annual basis. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database and offers tools to help you track, analyze and visualize research. Benjamin J. Harbaugh. Enter a last name and click search. It's up to you as the author to ensure all your publications are listed under the same Scopus Author ID and name, or … 53.5% of publications are common in both Scopus and WoS. From the Author details page, you can access an author's research areas of interest, publishing and citation information, name variants, the author's unique Scopus identifier number, ORCID (if available), and other pertinent information regarding an author's publication history. The author page lists all co-authors of that specific author. Note: Authors with only 1 document indexed in Scopus are not hyperlinked to their Author details page. Scopus tutorials "Scopus tutorials provide a visual guide to using the product. Select the "Author Search" tab on the Scopus search page. This information only applies to material that is indexed by Scopus. Scopus is an abstract and citation database of scholarly literature.. A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated for each individual author in Scopus.Because it relies on an algorithmic analysis of author names, affiliations, and publication subjects, sometimes Scopus creates multiple profiles for an author, which then need to be merged. 3. Review author details; Request corrections to your author profile; Add author details to ORCID; Note: When using Scopus Preview, the Author ID is displayed in the URL (web address) of the author's profile page. The page is balanced between the two columns. Are you sure you do not want to provide feedback? The citation overview displays the documents for an author details page and includes the number of times the documents were cited by publication year. To view a documents/citing documents results list for a year, click the corresponding data point. The information includes the author's unique identifier number, contact details, affiliation, publishing history, subject areas of … For more information about the h-graph, see How can I use an h-graph? Select the "Author Search" tab on the Scopus search page. To view other name formats, affiliation history, and subject areas click 'Show all author info'. The Author Details page provides information about authors who have more than one document matched to them in Scopus. With over 22,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. In Scopus, search for your name or one of your indexed publications and g o to your Author Details page (accessed by clicking on your name when it appears in a search results list, a source document details page, or a document details page) . You can sort your results by date, relevance or number of citations. Author details. The page will refresh upon submission. Cite. Scopus allocates an 'Author Details' page to each author which provides an overview of the data associated with them, including published documents, where their work has been cited and how many times, past co-authors and their author history, showing how long they have been publishing, the journals and publications they have published in and their current/past affiliations. Scopus nos proporciona la siguiente información sobre cada autor: Información sobre su filiación actual. Copyright © Elsevier B.V . From the Alerts page, you can create alerts, view the latest results for an alert, edit alerts, and delete alerts. Enter the author’s name, places in which the author has worked and their broad subject areas. For more information, see How do I import author details to ORCID? For example, an author may be cited as Smith, J in one document, but as Smith, John in another. Click 'View h-graph' to open the Analyze author output page. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed. For detailed information, see What are preprints? UTSA does not have a subscription to SCOPUS, but you can utilize a free Scopus Author Lookup tool to obtain up-to-date citation metrics to your works in publications indexed by Scopus. SCOPUS wants to include an impressive about of information about the authors. For more information, see How do I work with author search results? Click 'Save to list' to save the author details to a saved author list. How do I request changes to author details? To verify you have the correct author, click 'View potential author matches'. Use these alerts to receive email notices when new documents are loaded on Scopus. Scopus 3 Feb 2016 1. It is better to create an account on scopus, so you can find all data including your author ID in your profile. You can view, print, or export a list of the citing documents. Click 'Save all to list' to create a new list or add to an existing list. The lead name will change according to the name of the Wikipedia page the template is used on.] Scopus is the only database that implements algorithmic and systematic author disambiguation. To use this feature you must be a registered user of Scopus. Possibly your email address contains a typo or an unsupported character. For more information, see How do I work with document search results? The h-index displays the publishing information for a single author, multiple authors, or a group of selected documents. For more information, see How do I export documents from Scopus? Author name. Select the 'Co-Authors' tab to view a list of these co-authors. Option one Pros This author's name is the most prominently displayed. Click 'Export all' to export an author’s document information to a selected file type or reference management tool. For more information, see How do I create a document citation alert? << It is easy to read the co-authors, citations, publications, and references. Preprints reside on preprint servers and allow for dissemination, laying claim to an idea, and help with collecting feedback prior to journal submission. Scopus Author ID Registration - Author Feedback Wizard. The Scopus Author Identifier assigns a unique number to groups of documents written by the same author via an algorithm that matches authorship based on a certain criteria.. Scopus author ID can be used for the following purposes: collects an author's various names and adds these names under one author identifier Thank you for your feedback, it will help us serve you better. You can evaluate an author’s performance based on the number of publications, the h-index, the number of times they have been cited, and the author's most contributed topics. The Scopus Author Identifier ensures identification between the differentiation in author search results. Click 'View [X] References' to view a list of all documents an author has used for their publications. Click the author's name to view the Author details page. Select one or more names from the list of results, based on affiliation, subject area and location. _ - @ ). Scopus will soon cease the support of IE 9 and users are recommended to upgrade to the latest Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. The Cited by [n] Documents lists all documents which cite a specific author. For more information, see What is the Scopus Author Identifier? Cons The author's publications are further down the page. The straight line, when x=y, represents the h line where the number of citations equals the number of articles and the curved line plots the author's articles in descending citation order. Extensive changes to the text may be charged to the author. The SciVal Researchers and Groups page opens for your SciVal account, displaying the exported author information. Click on a Document title to open the Document details page. For example, an author may appear as Lewis, M.; Lewis, M. J.; and Lewis, Michael in different publications, or there may be two authors named John Smith. Corrections should be returned by annotated PDF, e-mail or fax. To download the free player, go to the Adobe website or switch to a browser that includes Adobe Flash Player, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The Author Feedback Wizard allows you to: If you are missing documents, want to add/remove citations, or have incorrect document details, see How do I correct my author profile. [The name of the Wikipedia page you now are looking at is displayed above. Scopus is a comprehensive, source-neutral abstract and citation database curated by independent subject matter experts. You can save an author’s documents to a list in Scopus. To check your Scopus Author profile, visit the Scopus website (available when using the University’s IP range or via the VPN) or use the free to access preview version if your institution does not subscribe to Scopus). First, open the Scopus author search form or the free version if you do not have access to Scopus. Shows data points only for years in which the author has data. Click a co-author's name to view the co-author's details page. For more information see the Analyze author output page. For more information, see How do I manage my Saved lists? ; Enter your first and last name. Use the Author Feedback Wizard to update the information provided on the Scopus Author details page. Click 'Citation overview' to view the citation overview for an author. The tutorials below are also found in the relevant FAQs in the Scopus Support center." Page 2 Introduction to User Guide 3 Perform a Basic Search 4 Review Results 5 Refine Your Search 6 - 7 View Your Results in Detail 8 Find Authors 9 View Author Details 10 Track Citations 11 - 12 Evaluate an Author 13 - 14 Scopus Affiliation Identifier 15 Stay Up-to-date • My Profile 16 Stay Up-to-date • Alerts and Feeds • Search History 17 Bookmarks 18 Sources and Analytics Scopus covers preprints from 2017 onwards. Today Scopus is the largest abstract database comprising of thousands of scientific publications and books. CiteScore. People… You need the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player. Since its launch, the Scopus team has continued to add enhanced integration points while supporting the mission of ORCID. Click on the "View Citation Overview" button at the top of the list of results. H-index is available on author details-page. Scopus® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. Please enter a valid email address. For more information, see What is SciVal's Topic Prominence? You can save an author’s documents to a list in Scopus. You have complete transparency over Scopus CiteScore when you create a user account. The list includes all document citation identification numbers plus the list of documents within a Scopus document results list. For example, an author may appear as Lewis, M.; Lewis, M. J.; and Lewis, Michael in different publications, or there may be two authors named John Smith . To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked and returned within 48 hours. Click on an author name to open the Author details page. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise research. On average 12.4% of publications per author are unique in Scopus and 4.1% in WoS. Author details and publishing information. Other options include Authors, Affiliations, and Advanced. There is no limit on the number of alerts you can create. The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes between these names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping together all of the documents written by that author. How do I view information about who an author has been cited by? That is why our free Scopus Author Feedback Wizard allows your researchers to review their Scopus profiles and submit feedback, including the ability to: Source: Scopus (Elsevier), 2.9.2009. Scopus2Orcid - Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile. Click on the "View Citation Overview" button … For more information, see How do I view information about an author's co-authors? 4. Scopus needs JavaScript to function correctly. Enter the last name of an author and the first initial for the broadest search. From a Author search results page or Co-Author list, select the authors for which you want to provide feedback, and then click Request author detail corrections on the right side of the page. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For more information, see How do I use the Analyze Author Output function? You can enter other information if you have a very common name, but it's best to try to avoid putting in additional information such as affiliation because you may have had multiple affiliations over your career. When viewing the contents of the Documents tab, you can create an email alert to be notified when Scopus publishes new documents by an author. Click 'Analyze author output' to view and analyze the publishing output for an author or a group of matches authors. The first effort was the Scopus2ORCID Feedback Wizard which allows researchers to associate their Scopus Author Identifier to their ORCID and import papers from Scopus to his/her ORCID profile. Enter the name of the alert, email address(es)to which they are sent, and the frequency of the alerts. Profile and content corrections Support Center, Please enter your feedback to submit this form. Finding your Scopus Author profile . Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. We have detected that your browser has JavaScript disabled. Learn more about signing in or creating an account with Scopus (opens in a new window). Shows the number of documents published and the number of citations. Step 3: Scopus author details page with the h-index. Scopus search results for our author search for Stephen Hawking. Document Search is the default search page in Scopus. Step 1: The Scopus author search form. Scopus searches the bibliographic record, not the full text of documents. Some authors have similar names, or their names can appear differently in various publications. You can either create a new list or add them to an existing list. How do I work with document search results? 2. The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes among similar names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping all of the documents written by that author. You have the option to view an author’s documents, cited by documents, and co-authors in search results format. Click on the "View Citation … How do I create a document citation alert? The author details page is discussed in more detail within the tutorial for Reviewing author details. For example, an author may appear as Lewis, M.; Lewis, M. J.; and Lewis, Michael in different publications, or there may be two authors named John Smith. How do I work with author search results? How do I create and use a citation overview? By continuing, you agree to the use of cookies. So try to provide as much information as possible including middle name initials and an affiliation if known. Choose the ‘Author Search’ tab from the Search menu and enter your details.