© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins if you’re retiring). Dissolution refers to a process by which dissolved components, i.e. Re : Dissolution totale l'éther de pétrole ce n'est pas un éther (eh oui, pas de bol, saleté de nom commercial !!! Because of this property, soluble ionic compounds are referred to as electrolytes. depends on the dosage form type, country, etc. --Blackstone. A man of continual dissolution and thaw. Define dissolution. opheffing. ~ dissolutions plural dissolution / ˌdɪsəˈluːʃən / n. the resolution or separation into component parts; disintegration; destruction by breaking up and dispersing; the termination of a meeting or assembly, such as Parliament; the … dissolution of marriage: n. modern, gentler sounding, term for divorce, officially used in California since 1970 and symbolic of the no-fault, non-confrontational approach to dissolving a marriage. 3. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Definition of dissolution. n. 1. of dissolved drug Time sink conditions. He moved here after the dissolution of that body and spent several years as a farmer. Articles of dissolution are sometimes referred to a certificate of dissolution or certificate of cancellation. integral heat of solution; integral solution heat vok. Still, we refer to the fact that the dissolution of American marriages became far more common in the later 20th century. 3. liquefaction . C'est remplaçable en général par le white spirit. Example: The dissolution of the company left many people out of work. Dissolution rate under non-sink and Conc. In contrast, if very little solute dissolves, it is said to be insoluble. Dissolution. dissolution method for these products during drug product development. We expected Immediate dissolution. Am D G Em C D Totale Finsternis, ein Meer von Gefühl und kein Land. Dissolution refers to a process by which dissolved components, i.e. The state of being dissolved, or of undergoing liquefaction. 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. solutes, form a solution in a solvent. Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from February, 2021, to show that you’re far from frumious! As the air is brought to rest, kinetic energy is converted to internal energy.The air is compressed and experiences an adiabatic increase in temperature. Mise en solution d'un solide, d'un liquide ou d'un gaz ; état de ce qui est dissous ; liquide résultant de cette mise en solution. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? In formal legal terms, a divorce is sometimes referred to as a dissolution of marriage. The probe is designed to bring the air to rest relative to the aircraft. Dissolution is the cause of selective leaching or localized corrosion. Solubility quantifies the dynamic equilibrium state achieved when the rate of dissolution equals the rate of precipitation. In 2015, its executive director authored an op-ed in The New York Times calling for the dissolution of America’s national parks. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. In domestic relations law, the term dissolution refers to the ending of a marriage through Divorce. What are some other forms related to dissolution? This is the first stage of the dissolution and known as S1 Stage. Which Word of the Day means “happening within or being the created world of a story”? Putting sugar into my iced tea and thinking about how stirring affects the rate of dissolution and then crying cuz chemistry exam, — BridgetNeuge (@BridgetNeuge) May 31, 2014. dissolution. In terms of government, dissolution happens when a head of state dissolves the existing parliament, requiring a new election. What made you want to look up dissolution? Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition When you pour salt in water, it dissolves, forming a solution—a uniform mixture of a solid and a liquid. (liquidation of a company) διάλυση ουσ θηλ ουσιαστικό θηλυκό : Αναφέρεται σε πρόσωπο, ζώο ή πράγμα θηλυκού γένους. integral heat of solution; integral solution heat vok. tion (dĭs′ə-lo͞o′shən) n. 1. Dissolution is the cause of selective leaching or localized corrosion. Termination or extinction by disintegration or dispersion: The dissolution of the empire was remarkably swift. Dissolution is an in-vitro test that evaluates how an API is extracted from a solid dosage form. A company can be dissolved voluntarily by its owners or involuntarily by the secretary of state in the state in which it is registered for failure to pay taxes. • Hixon-Crowell’s cubic root law of dissolution takes into account the particle size decrease and … The dissociation of soluble ionic compounds gives solutions of these compounds an interesting property: they conduct electricity. dissolution. Words are tricky that way. Politics and law. Synoniemen: adjournment. If there’s a chance that you may wish to use the company again you should consider keeping it as dormant (it can remain dormant indefinitely, provided … dissolution: [ dis″o-loo´shun ] 1. the process in which one substance is dissolved in another. --Shak. Once a company completes the dissolution process, it is no longer a formal legal entity. the undoing or breaking of a bond, tie, union, partnership, etc. Devolution definition is - transference (as of rights, powers, property, or responsibility) to another; especially : the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government. In their dissolution agreement, Anderson was ordered to pay $255 in monthly child support. The extinction of life in the human body; separation of the soul from the body; death. La guerra total es un término del siglo XX que describe a una guerra en la que los países o las naciones movilizan y fuerzan hasta el límite todos sus recursos disponibles, ya sean humanos, militares, industriales, agrícolas, naturales, tecnológicos, científicos, o de cualquier otro tipo, para destruir totalmente la capacidad de otro país o nación de entablar una guerra. This method is used to monitor the quality of the capsules and tablets that are produced. QC media has to also be discriminatory. Zelfstandig naamwoord. Although Einstein conceived of gravity as the geometry of space-time, his theory also entails the dissolution of space-time, which is ultimately why information can escape its gravitational prison. Today is the day the Dissolution of Parliament would have taken place if the 2015-20 Parliament had run to term. Recent experiments reveal that some proteins spontaneously gather into transient assemblies called condensates, in response to molecular forces that precisely balance transitions between the formation and dissolution of droplets inside the cell. Indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery. Dissolution generally refers to the process of dissolving or breaking apart. ), mais un mélange d'hydrocarbures légers (une coupe pétrolière). A dissolution of marriage completely ends your legal relationship as spouses and ends your marriage. dissolution n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. 1 : the act or process of dissolving: such as. February 2020 – The smart contract, which will handle the distribution of treasury funds, was written and audited by Quantstamp. Indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery. 4(c). 2. first of the two stages in the termination of a partnership; the second stage is the winding up of business Discriminatory media means that it is media that is part of an overall dissolution test that can tell good product from bad. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Dictionary.com Unabridged Every third day his convulsive tremblings, his dejection, his fits of wandering, seemed to indicate the approach of dissolution. La dissolution étant totale, n – x max = 0, donc x max = n On a donc : n Al 3+ = 2x max = 2n et n SO 4 2- = 3x max = 3n Dans l’énoncé il est dit que l’on veut [Al 3+ ] = 5,00 × 10 -1 mol.L -1 . Action de dissoudre, de faire cesser par décision légale ; séparation ou disparition légale : Prononcer la dissolution d'un mariage. In our era of social dissolution, the timing could hardly be better for celebrating a homegrown icon of justice and bravery who exemplifies physical and mental dexterity and virtue — a man who stands for right making might. The typical unit for dissolution rate is mol/s. grew convinced of his friend's approaching, Seth Richardson details the documents, which show Mandel walked away with more than $1 million in the assets split during the, Now, Voyager is best known as a wonderous and beautiful example of the women’s picture, a unique proto-feminist genre spanning from the 1930s into the 1950s, curtailed only by the, Read’s simmering crime story, set in the mountainous West and evocative of classic noir, follows a lonely adolescent through the, Matthew has continued to investigate shell companies and financial crime, and is campaigning for the, Legal rights did not always carry over across state lines, either, until the, Post the Definition of dissolution to Facebook, Share the Definition of dissolution on Twitter, On 'Eminent' and 'Imminent' (and 'Immanent'), Getting Up to Speed on (the History of) 'Speed'. In S1 stage dissolved amount of each unit should not be less than Q+5%. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus The consideration of the units makes the distinction clearer. The first records of dissolution come from the 1300s. It can be used in a general way to refer to destruction or disintegration or the process of ending, undoing, or breaking up. 2. Dissolution (law), in law, means to end a legal entity or agreement such as a marriage, adoption, or corporation, or unions. Thus, unless dissolution brings about an automatic transfer of the corporation’s assets to its shareholders, the corporation, even though dissolved, continues its existence. Définitions de dissolution. Dissolution of parliament, in politics, the dismissal of a legislature so that elections can be held. What happens if your corporation or LLC does not file articles of dissolution? Locating ettringite due to DEF at the pore scale of cement paste by heat-based dissolution tests Yushan GU a, Othman OMIKRINE METALSSI , Renaud-Pierre MARTINb, Teddy FEN-CHONGa, Patrick DANGLAc, aMAST-FM2D, Univ Gustave Ei el, IFSTTAR, F-77447 Marne-la-Vall ee, France bMAST-EMGCU, Univ Gustave Ei el, IFSTTAR, F-77447 Marne-la-Vall ee, France cNavier, Ecole des Ponts, Univ Gustave Ei el, … Basket Stirring Element 2S (USP34) of 25±2 mm between the bottom of the blade and theinside bottom of the vessel is maintained during the test. Dissolution means the process of dissolving or forming a solution.When dissolution happens, the solute separates into ions or molecules, and each ion or molecule is surrounded by molecules of solvent.The interactions between the solute particles and the solvent molecules is called solvation.A solvated ion or molecule is surrounded by solvent. the resolution or separation into component parts; disintegration, destruction by breaking up and dispersing, the termination of a meeting or assembly, such as Parliament, the termination of a formal or legal relationship, such as a business enterprise, marriage, etc, the state of being dissolute; dissipation. The PSD of the DEF-Fin1 and DEF-Fin1-Dissolution-68–1 (DEF-Fin1 samples heated at 68 °C for 1 day) are shown in Fig. Dissolution of Partnership- When a novice partner is added or when a current partner leaves or retires from the partnership, dissolution of partnership is said to … Dissolution is an important step during preformulation studies because the rate of drug dissolution of a drug will exert a direct impact on bioavailability and drug delivery aspects (Bergstrom et al., 2014).Dissolution can be defined as the process through which drug particles tend to dissolve in the body fluids. Synonyms: bifurcation, breakup, cleavage… Antonyms: unification, union, birth… Find the right word. Una disolución es una mezcla homogénea a nivel molecular o iónico de dos o más sustancias puras que no reaccionan entre sí, cuyos componentes se encuentran en proporciones variables. The typical unit for dissolution rate is mol/s. In an effort to bring calm to my world, I'm teaching my husband about the five mother sauces of France. integral heat of solution; integral solution heat vok. Any change for good among such would be to their dissolution and reconstruction on principles which they do not now hold. C. addition cessation, conclusion, end, ending, finish, termination, break-up, split-up, winding down, winding up, discontinuation, suspension. As to agriculture, he said that he had a conversation with Mr. Chamberlain on the subject just before the dissolution. These dosages forms are run for the specified time period, sampled and analyzed for the dissolved amount of active ingredient in percentage. legal termination, especially of business activity, with the final distribution of assets, the fixing of liabilities, etc. 1. The dissolution of urinary calculi. B. disintegration Send us feedback. MIE Cohen and Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund Inc Proxy Statement (definitive) (def 14a) Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of dissolution? 2021. Dissolution can be defined as the process through which drug particles tend to dissolve in the body fluids. In this process, a solution of the gas, liquid or solid in the original solvent is formed. The dissolution of a contract is its Rescission by the parties themselves or by a court that nullifies its binding force and reinstates each party to his or her original position prior to the contract.. Act or process of dissolving; termination; winding up. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. (See: corporation ) La dissolution est le processus physico-chimique par lequel un soluté incorporé dans un solvant pour former un mélange homogène appelé une solution. the termination of a meeting. 1 ). Dissolution is the noun form of the verb dissolve , which most commonly means to mix into and melt within a liquid but has several … From Suffrage To Sisterhood: What Does Feminism Actually Mean? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a guidance for industry entitled ``Dissolution Testing of Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms.'' Accordingly, the continuation of existence, after dissolution, may well depend on whether the governing state law provides that a dissolved corporation can still own assets. Unlike an annulment, a dissolution does not “undo" the marriage as if it never existed. (noun) An example of dissolution is death. Dissolution is the act of officially ending a formal agreement, for example a marriage or a business arrangement. Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration. an order issued by the head of a state terminating a parliament and necessitating a new election. Dissolving, or going into solution. A Newfound Source of Cellular Order in the Chemistry of Life, Zorro at 100: Why the original swashbuckler is still the quintessential American action hero, The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End, In Montana, Stream Access Is on the Ballot, Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit on Thailand's protests: "No one knows where the limit is", Ohio Elementary School Teacher Charged With Raping Her Son, Morgan Fairchild: Badass Foreign Policy Wonk, The Mystery Woman Who Tried to Outdo Dillinger, Exclusive: Kerry Warns Israel Could Become ‘An Apartheid State’, Roma Children Face Segregation In EU Schools, British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car. Based on the analyses of Fig. chaleur totale de dissolution visuminė tirpimo šiluma statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Šiluma, išsiskirianti tirpinant 1 molį medžiagos.atitikmenys: angl. 5. Something as simple as mining and selling ore will have a butterfly effect in the world: ore prices will decrease, factories would get cheaper to run, and eventually even the price of goods drop. A drug can only go into the market if only it passes a dissolution test and is approved. college. a bringing or coming to an end; disintegration; decay; termination. Dissolution is the formal, legal ending of a marriage by a court, commonly called a divorce. Dissolution is a formation of solution by dissolving solute in solvent. Dissolution: the act or process of a whole separating into two or more parts or pieces. Ce cours de Chimie traitera de la dilution et des solutions à travers des exemples concrets. How to use dissolution in a sentence. 1.1. technical The action or process of dissolving or being dissolved. The Dictionary.com Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …, “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Dissolution is the last stage of liquidation, the process by which a company (or part of a company) is brought to an end, … The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Dissolution is also used in the context of companies that go out of business and have their assets dissolved (sold off to pay debts). — Sarah Harper (@SarahJinx12) March 17, 2020. Dissolution is a living game, which means every action you take in the game will have real consequences. In this sense it is frequently used in the phrase dissolution of a partnership.. The outcome was unanimously in favor of the dissolution, with 96.7% voting yes. integrale Lösungswärme, f rus.šiluma statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. À linverse, une solution est obtenue par dissolution dune espèce chimique dans un solvant. Or that when India won its independence in 1947, the dissolution of the once-global British empire was all but complete. Dissolution in the Closed System. chaleur totale de dissolution visuminė tirpimo šiluma statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. The secret causes of its dissolution had long been stealthily at work, and its fall at last was utter and complete. It legally dissolves (breaks apart) the marriage, making it so that two people involved are no longer legally married. Solvation or dissolution is a kinetic process and is quantified by its rate. the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations) Synoniemen: breakup. (2) : death grew convinced of his friend's approaching dissolution — … Dictionary ! In law, dissolution is any of several legal events that terminate a legal entity or agreement such as a marriage, adoption, corporation, or union. 4 (b), the formation of Ca ( OH ) 2 [24] , [27] and the extension of microcracks should occur during the exposure to high temperatures, which are indeed observed on the DEF-Fin1-Dissolution-68–1 samples. Dissolution is the civil death of Parliament. Less commonly, it can even mean “death.”. Or that factors such as crime and drugs might be contributing to the dissolution of contemporary society's moral fabric. 2. separation of a compound into its components by chemical action. He replied that my mother was not French, she is just Floridian, and I am looking at e-filing dissolution of marriage documents after this tweet. : angl. b (1) : decay, disintegration. dissolution of corporation: n. termination of a corporation, either a) voluntarily by resolution, paying debts, distributing assets, and filing dissolution documents with the Secretary of State; or b) by state suspension for not paying corporate taxes or some other action of the government. Run the calculation with Start.The results are displayed in the schema on the right-hand side: This process can be useful where the company has served its purpose, is no longer active and is unlikely to be required in the future (i.e. Dissolution test is done using 6 units or dosage forms. the breaking up of an assembly or organization; dismissal; dispersal. 109, July 27, 1895. The Dissolution Discussion Group (DDG) Web site (sponsored by Agilent Technologies, Inc.) features an active dissolution bulletin board where dissolution professionals can discuss dissolution automation, autosampling, chemical and mechanical calibration, equipment, accessories, methods, analysis, calculation, regulation, and dissolution guidelines. Others, like the prominent Roma activist Valeriu Nicholae, speak of its “rapid dissolution.”. Menu. In order to assess the latter, pharmacokinetic data would need to be generated and used to supplement the dissolution work. This might occur pursuant to a statute, the surrender or expiration of its charter, legal proceedings, or Bankruptcy. When a small business files articles of dissolution, they are officially notifying their local Secretary of State that the business is formally closed. In aviation, stagnation temperature is known as total air temperature and is measured by a temperature probe mounted on the surface of the aircraft. In this process, a solution of the gas, liquid or solid in the original solvent is formed. [Graf] Am Sei bereit! Copyright © 2011. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'dissolution.'